RobinHastings wrote:TUESDAY, MAY 31:
This fly-in (or "fun fly", as Terry Cummings suggested) was a grand success. We had over thirty pilots attend, every day was flyable, and everyone had a great time. Ben Herring of Denver set a new site XC record in his rigid wing ATOS. Pilots we haven't seen in years, like Rick Bonnel and Greg Bouten, dropped by just to visit. Bill Cummings will write a more expansive account of the event, but it was wonderful. Thank you to Bill and Mike for all the work they put in on it, to our launch director Keighley Hastings and all the drivers, and to Alamogordo and the Lincoln National Forest for all their support. Especially, thank you to all the pilots and their families who came such a long way to be there!
Memorial Day Weekend 2016, Dry Canyon. Alamogordo, New Mexico. (USA)
Over thirty pilots descended over the weekend on the Cox Field Landing Zone.
It is also know as the, “Jim R. Griggs Sports Complex.”
If memory serves me I overheard an old time pilot say this would be the thirty seventh gathering for hang glider pilots on Memorial Day.
Could someone recall for us the first time paraglider pilots joined us for the Memorial Day Weekend gathering?
Last year RGSA’s past President, Robin Hastings, started a no fee’s collection
for the Columbus Day flying. Donations met all expenses. Thank you pilots.
(Say? -- How does one go about collecting nothing?)
Next and by surprise, to most USHPA members, a flock of blood sucking mosquitoes were observed swarming around each of our wallets/purses.
I’m going to do my best to not let this post spiral into a rant about the United States becoming an insurance company with a standing army, -- {for example).
It is safe to say not many of us know how expensive the insurance protection scheme will become.
Our current RGSA President Mike Ellsworth let stand the no fee idea. We also met expenses through your donations for this Memorial Day Weekend gathering.
Again, thank you for all the contributions.
There was a bigger turn out than expected and we ran out of a few things but the list we made of thing to do next time should fix that.
The flying was great!
FIRST PLACE XC (Cross Country)

- Ben Herring record flt Dry 2 Santa Fe.JPG (66.44 KiB) Viewed 14643 times

- Ben xc flight.JPG (34.21 KiB) Viewed 14643 times
We have a new cross country (XC) distance record set by Ben Herring of Colorado. 185 miles taking 7 hr & 6 minutes. Ben did this on his rigid wing, ATOS VR.
Ben is telling of abundant lift on his way from the Dry Canyon ramp to
Santa Fe, NM. The thousand foot per minute lift had him close to 18,000’ and most of the time trying to hold it down to 13,000’ to stop shivering. Sounds like too much of a good thing.
XC SECOND PLACE,Ted Sullivan, from Texas, flew to Three Rivers hooked to his North Wing, Freedom I believe. (A thermal must of taken his sign in sheet.)
He has been a steady drain of trophies leaving New Mexico.
XC THIRD PLACE,Brian Kurowski, down from northern New Mexico, landed his U2 160 just short of Ted’s landing at Three Rivers. Three Rivers is 29-30 miles from the ramp according to Google Earth.
Bomb Drop (Hello NSA)
FIRST PLACE, went to Jan Zschenderlien (Gee I hope that’s right.)
flying his Green, Chili 3 L (He writes like a doctor.) His flour bomb
would have been right on the blue tarp except for he made a Kentucky Windage
adjustment and it landed right were he threw it, 13’ - 3” up wind.
SECOND PLACE, went to Chris Chaney, flying his Will Wing Sport 2 135 sq’.
His bomb landed 33’ - 1” from the tarp.
……. NOTE: The next day a pilot asked where his bomb landed and it was found 30’ from the tarp, hiding in the grass. I’m remembering now that it belonged to Dave DeMill so I had him pick up a trophy cane hand made by Mike Ellsworth. Since it was after the presentation and so close I’ll call it a tie for second place…..
THIRD PLACE, went to Max Montgomery, under his Vista 3 (APCO) 27M (M).
It’s Sky Grey/Black and he looks like Darth Vader of the skies.
58 feet from the tarp.
FIRST PLACE, Mel Glantz BULL’S EYE! Done with a super, long gliding, Wills Wing T2 144.
SECOND PLACE, went to Greg Fergus (TX pilot) flying a Sport 2 155 sq’.
His distance from the spot (tarp) was 4 feet.
THIRD PLACE, Steve Ford only two inches further out.
FIRST PLACE, Shawn Scott with 4 hr - 22 min. Moyes Lite Speed.
SECOND PLACE, Steve Ford with 4 hr - 05 min.
THIRD PLACE, Max Montgomery with 3 hr - min. The Darth Vader glider.