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PPG Flying possibilities

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

PPG Flying possibilities

Postby JanZ » Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:31 am

Ok Guy's, mark Sep 17th and 18th in you calendars!! It's the annual White Sands Balloon Invitational and I'm planing on flying my Motor, at least one of the mornings, with the Balloons. I contacted the Event Management via Facebook, so they know about my plans. I'm waiting on Info on who to contact from WSMR or Holloman about us flying into the restricted Airspace that day. Even if we don't get permission to enter R-5107B and R-5107D, we can fly close to the Airspace and hope for the winds to push some Balloons our way. It would be awesome of everybody has a HAM Radio (151.925). I can provide 1 or 2 extra incl. an Adapter to plug in regular, 1/8 inch / 3mm jack, in ear head phones. That way you can at least hear us but might have to go down to idle to talk to every body. Let me know if you're up to it!!
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