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Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Finis » Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:41 am

So is the Columbus Day thing happening? I wanted to hike the road and report on its condition but too much work. Maybe this Sunday Oct 2, '22.
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Finis » Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:26 pm

Mr. Crye says the 2023 Columbus Day Fly In begins on Thursday 10-5-23.
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Nate » Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:11 am

I hope it turns out well. I remember flying 20 miles S and making the return back in 2020. I love flying Dry in October.
I do not know of any HG planning on attending. To project myself as the marketplace, if there aren't rides available up to launch, not much reason to come out and just hope to get a ride.....
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Finis » Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:47 am

The Dry Canyon road has been repaired. The usual 4WD's HG pilots have can easily drive up.

Nate, you could call/contact Mr. Crye or whoever you know will be there and ask if rides are available. After people show up that will be known. You fly HG's? Do you have a 4WD with HG rack?

Mr. Crye says the 2023 Columbus Day Fly In begins on Thursday 10-5-23.
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:22 pm

Finis wrote:Mr. Crye says the 2023 Columbus Day Fly In begins on Thursday 10-5-23.

Best wishes, and have a good time flying!!

:clap: :wave: :thumbup: :) :wave: :clap: :thumbup: :wave:
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Finis » Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:51 pm

Columbus Day Fly In was good. It started slowly then several para-gliders arrived Saturday and Sunday and it became an event. Big trucks, big rocks, broken drive shaft, side-by-side atv's, launches, flights, fun. Much good video and photos. At least four turbo diesels.

No hang gliders.

Wish they brought real trucks.
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Nate » Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:13 am

Bummer there were no HG's but not at all surprised. If you have to bring your own 4wd then there isn't much push to come for the fly-in. If you have your own then you can just fly Dry anytime. No rides up = no fly in IMO.

I think this is why there should really be a push to investigate, relationship build, and get access to Long Ridge. It has 2wd access and takes about as long (less?) to reach than crawling up Dry.
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Re: Columbus Day Weekend is this coming weekend

Postby Finis » Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:20 am

There was no chai tea, foot massages, or counselors to help with the shame of a bad landing either. ... Just joking. Y'all jump off mountains while tied to kites!

Nate, you make a good point about rides. In the past people have traveled long distances to attend the Fly In's. No point in that without high confidence you can get to the launch. More rugged sites like this one make some HG pilots dependent on others with suitable vehicles. Not every site is good for everyone.

PG's have a transportation advantage. Truck, atv, dirt bike, hike, they can get there. They did. They had fun.

Locally, I think when my friend and former co-worker Robin Hastings was around there was more enthusiasm and better organization for these events. Although plenty of HG rack trucks would appear I'll bet there would've been effort to provide that if in doubt.

Many HG pilots have appropriate vehicles so the need for them here is not why zero HG pilots appeared. What is the reason? I don't know. Guesses:
- Unfortunately, HG is fading in popularity. So there are fewer HG pilots.
- The organizers did not arrange to borrow transportation for HG's in case no pilots arrived with that.
- Robin has flown into Eternity ( https://vimeo.com/483399958#t=521s ) and the local old timer HG pilots don't fly much if at all.
- Pilots might not know that the road is no longer a vehicular rock climbing path (glory to the drivers!). You could drive a Prius up there. OK you do need the typical HG pilot Tacoma etc.

I live here but don't have 4WD. If I did I would rig it with a removable HG rack even though I'm not a pilot. Then I could drive or loan the truck for pilots.

I missed the HG's. I like when all the Sky Brothers are there. HG and PG. There is a special elegance of form and movement when both are in the air.
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