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e Time
(mst) Wind
(mph) Vis.
(mi.) Weather Sky Cond. Temperature (ºF) Relative
Humidity Wind
(°F) Heat
(°F) Pressure Precipitation (in.)
Air Dwpt 6 hour altimeter
(in) sea level
(mb) 1 hr 3 hr 6 hr
Max. Min.
12 10:35 NE 8 10.00 Fair CLR 65 19 17% NA NA 30.32 NA
12 10:15 NE 8 10.00 Fair CLR 65 20 18% NA NA 30.32 NA
12 09:55 N 10 10.00 Fair CLR 64 21 19% NA NA 30.32 NA
12 09:35 N 9 10.00 Fair
Looks like Volcanic Peak would have worked for PG this morning. Here are the Las Cruces Airport
morning stats. Add a little wind speed to the airport reporting history. Last night the forecast
was showing too light. If Robin was still here he would have had us both parked at the peak this