It is my hope that at some point all pilots will offer up videos of their flights.
It could lead to suggestions from the hang gliding community or critiques that may advance safety in the sport.
Another thing to consider is when visiting pilots ask for a guide to a site that is new to the visiting pilot whether or
not the pilot is really ready to fly a particular site.
The guide could watch videos of the visiting pilot that would yield a much clearer picture of the visiting
pilots abilities than a hang rating that for all you know had been fudged by a close friend or biased family member.
This would allow the guide to feel more comfort assisting someone off of a new site or cautioning that the pilot
might be pushing the safety envelope.
I've put together a video landing compilation of some of my recorded landing over the last three years.
Although safe launching technique is not shown in my compilation one may assume that each landing shown
was preceded by, at the very least, a successful launch. Other videos on the "Bill Cummings Channel," at YouTube
show launches, thermaling and cross country flights.
Feel free to reply with a link to your flying videos.