$5,485 raised of $20,000 goal $7,310 raised of $20,000 goal (update as of November 1st, 2020) $15,200 raised of $20,000 goal (update as of May 13th, 2021)
Stephen Crye is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Robin Hastings.
Created October 11, 2020
Steve Crye wrote:Robin Hastings has been a fixture in the US Hang Gliding community for over 40 years. His articles have been published in USHPA magazine and elsewhere. Always willing to mentor and assist new pilots, he selflessly provided rides to the Dry Canyon launch for the last 30 years, destroying at least one 4x4 truck on the terrible road. Friend to hangies and baggies alike, he has served in multiple capacities in the Rio Grande Soaring Association, where he is currently Secretary.
In addition to be being an expert HG pilot with over 5000 flights, he as an accomplished amateur astronomer, physicist and gymnast.
He is now in the fight of his life and needs our help! In late September 2020, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to his liver. He is only 66 years old, in great shape other than this malady, and has many years of flying ahead if we can help him beat this. As you all know, pancreatic cancer is aggressive so there is no time to waste.
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I have known him since 2015 when I was a green beginner paraglider pilot. We fly together as often as possible. I am also an officer in the RGSA. I'm starting this fundraiser for him because he is too proud to ask for help. Let's all pitch in and help give him a fighting chance and relieve some of the financial burden his family is facing.
I'm sure he will appreciate encouragement and support. He is active on US Hawks, and you can reach him there
Robin and Nancy at Torrey Pines Gliderport in 2015
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Robin Hastings and Bob Kuczewski At Torrey Pines in 2015
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Join a National Hang Gliding Organization:US Hawks at ushawks.org View my rating at:US Hang Gliding Rating System Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
Bob, Joe, everyone - thank you so much for doing this for me and my family. Nancy and Keighley will be in good hands - and at least not impoverished by my treatments - with a community like ours. I am just humbly awed by how many people are caring about us! I surely hope that I can beat this condition. (It is called, by the way, "pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor", or PNET - it is what Steve Jobs had, some years ago.) I don't know if conventional therapies can do anything for it, but I also know that insurance is not going to cover any alternative treatments that might. The contributions that people have made to this GoFundMe are extremely appreciated! And even more, is the friendship and the love implied by it. I've got to get through this and stay in the air - I can't let everyone down after this! -With My Lifelong Gratitude, Robin
RobinHastings wrote:Bob, Joe, everyone - thank you so much for doing this for me and my family.
-With My Lifelong Gratitude, Robin
You earned it. Your lifetime of kindness is being returned to you as best we can.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization:US Hawks at ushawks.org View my rating at:US Hang Gliding Rating System Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
Hello Robin, Craig Muhonen here, and wishing the best out come for you. I have had conversations with Rick Masters about Tru Niagen, concerning my ongoing medical condition, and after doing research , I feel that this supplement has much value. Also, I have found Zink (but not too much) to be very important, but having an alert, mental capability is as important as anything.
with regards
Craig Muhonen
Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground
Thank you very much, Craig! I'll investigate all avenues. After evaluating all the pros and cons of conventional chemotherapy (mostly cons) my current treatment will not involve that. I am getting infusions twice a week, and a lot of supplements our doctor recommended. Zinc is one of them, and we can certainly research the Tru Niagen you mentioned. I am optimistic - and certainly planning on flying all I can while I'm trying to get well. And all this happening in the Time of the Great Plague - is there anything else that 2020 is going to throw at us all? It is so great to have friends like all of you! -Robin
Robin Hasting’s daughter, Keighley, called (On the afternoon of the 22) and said that Robin had to go to the Memorial Medical Clinic Emergency Room. He was unable to keep anything down due to his chemotherapy. He is being treated for the nausea. The plan is for him to stay in the hospital for three days. Robin’s weekend forecast may be missed this Thursday due to his illness.
I do not know You but I do know about injuring Myself Severally. For 11 Years ago I did the whole near Death Deal, due to experiencing the Pound of my whole entire flying career. And since that Day March 298th. 2010 I have been on the Journey of my Life. That Journey is too fully recover. I have no intention of fulfilling my doctors Prognosis's regarding g my ability to recover. For Yes I had a couple of inept incompetent inept ignorant Doctors Who said terrible things to My sister while I just laid there in a Coma, a Coma for three Months by the way. Things were said to my Sister such as; "Why Bother doing an MRI on My Left shoulder, because you can not have a conversation with a Potato". Or: "That I would never recover to be much better than a Potato" I love this one: "yhat I would never walk again". My Father told Me regarding what that Doctor said regarding MY being a Potato. He told Me that when I have regained my Physically. That I should go find that Doctor and to Beat His a**. Even thoughj I am quite Confident that I could indeed beat that piece of Garbage insulting MD's a**. I would rather beat that Doctors Brain. I play a mean game of Chess. I doubt, I seriously doubt that Doctor would say Check-Mate to Me. Something el;se for You to pounder regarding My Physical prowess. I am currently a 6'3" tall 215 Lb. man. IN my late Twenties, and My early Twenties I was a Heavy weight Boxer.
So Being that I have been where you are to some Degree Robin. I want to give you some Money. MY Question is for You Robin; How do I get the money to You? I will go back and read all the posts on this subject maybe I can sanswer my ow Question by simply readung the Posts.
Well OK thanks and this is about all; Good By Chris McKeon 925-497-1059, CCMCK@GOLDSTATE.NET
Chris McKeon wrote:How do I get the money to You? .
The headline "Robin Hastings Cancer Fund" in the first post of this discussion is actually a link to a GoFundMe page for Robin Hastings. This page is specifically meant to send money to Robin Hastings. For your convenience I repeat the link here: https://gf.me/u/y54zvj
I have a Question regarding How I want to be able to send Robin Money. You see I do not know Robin, I have never met him. But make no Doubt. I have been in similar circumstances as Robin. I remember once I was talking to a friend of mine, Richard Brooks on the phone one Day. My Sister Kathleen, "THE DEMON" saw that I was talking on the Phone. Well Kathleen saw that I had bad just ended my Phone Call, Kathleen asked me who was that you were talking to? I replied that it was my Friend Richard Brooks. Kathleen said to me; " No You do not have any friends, You have an Army!"
Well I will be going to the Post office either Monday or Tuesday. Would it be appropriate if I were to mail Robin a Money Order?
I wish to enlist in Robins Army. I hope that I can attain the rank of Corporal at least.
Hey Check this piece of Hospital Humor that I came up with; How do you know if you've been in the hospital too long? Your Mail begins to be forwarded to You in the Hospital.
You might laugh at this one, but it can be so very true. Once in a great while we all might very well need our very own personal Army.