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New Hang Gliders

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

New Hang Gliders

Postby Adamrt » Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:38 pm

Hi all! :wave:

Many of these threads look fairly old, I am creating a recent one to see if there is more interest from new hang gliders or from experienced gliders that would consider taking up someone new.

I am a master's student in mechanical engineering at New Mexico State University and a private pilot. After briefly chatting with Bob, hang gliding sounds like an exciting new venture I would love to try and an awesome community, please let me know if there is anyone willing to get me started.

Adam Takeshita
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Re: New Hang Gliders

Postby JoeF » Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:17 pm

Welcome, Adam,
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Re: New Hang Gliders

Postby JoeF » Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:25 pm

Welcome, Adam,
1. You are welcome to refresh any topic thread with new ideas.
2. Consider one-use moderate rocket launch of a hang glider from flatland to get glider up to 100 feet to give a glide practice. How much would such rocketing cost in fuel? How might one recharge the rocket system for another flight. How make such safe?
3. Consider applying your talents to the under-5-ft-packable air-framed hang glider movement.
4. Your described interests and talents are attractive for the new era of hang gliding.
5. Consider getting a free Dockweiler permit and then visit for some flights. No membership or insurance needed. The matter can be done by e-mail; Bob can direct you to a PDF; sign it; send it to Los Angeles Beaches and Harbor. This can be done before HG training.
6. Begin considering the differences from weight-shift control compared to what control you have used for your private-piloting control.
7. Consider the once-potential decision: "Will I first experience HG via solo foot-launching or will I invest that moment as a passenger in a tandem launch?????"
8. Otto Lilienthatl ....
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Re: New Hang Gliders

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Oct 04, 2021 3:59 pm

Adamrt wrote:Hi all! :wave:

Hello Adam!! It's great to have you here!

Adamrt wrote:Many of these threads look fairly old, I am creating a recent one to see if there is more interest from new hang gliders or from experienced gliders that would consider taking up someone new.

John Heiney is a world-famous aerobatic pilot, and he is also an instructor. I benefitted tremendously from his mentorship while I was earning my H4. I used to ask John why he didn't do more aggressive advertising for new students. He would tell me that the ones who really wanted to fly hang gliders would seek him out. I personally think that there must be more of a balance between the sport reaching out to prospective new pilots ... and new pilots reaching out to find their way into the sport. But my point is that if you really want to fly, don't take "no" for an answer. I'm personally honored that you've come to the U.S. Hawks, but you can also check out hanggliding.org and ushpa.org. They are all potential sources of instruction. Seek out mentorship wherever you can find it.

Adamrt wrote:I am a master's student in mechanical engineering at New Mexico State University and a private pilot. After briefly chatting with Bob, hang gliding sounds like an exciting new venture I would love to try and an awesome community, please let me know if there is anyone willing to get me started.

Adam Takeshita

That sounds like a perfect background for hang gliding. You've got both flying and engineering. They will both serve you well. Please remember that you may likely know more about aviation and engineering than your hang gliding instructor does. But they will have the hands-on experience that you lack. Understanding the physics and dynamics behind riding a bicycle is very complicated. But a child can learn to do it without any math or physics at all. The best knowledge is a combination of both. You will have that when you find a good instructor.

I agree with Joe:

1. You are welcome to refresh any topic thread with new ideas.

The truth is that there is an enormous depth of hang gliding knowledge and history contained in this forum. I am often tempted to start a new topic, but then I realize that there is an existing topic that could be refreshed. Some sites discourage what they call "dredging up" old topics. But I find that the refreshing process honors the past and links it to both the present and future. A topic of 10 years duration is a treat in today's ADD view of the world.
Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at ushawks.org
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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