New u$hPa Regs. What for?

Surely you want to maximize the benefit of your PL outing and build the new foundation at Hearne .
There are very new ushpa SOP changes that involve towing. About a dozen new Tow Observer appointments, and an equal number of Tow Examiner appointments.
Surprisingly, this issue even has Bart and Gregg at odds, as I'm sure you read, on who can sign off tow special skills. ... ages/22783
IMO these new regs reduce the effectiveness of Basic Inst. the most. Depending on who is correct, Bart or Gregg.
In my case as Basic Inst w/Observer appt., where as I was allowed to sign off any towing special skill that I have on my card, now I have to go to another clinic to get the SurfaceTow Observer
appointment and another clinic to get the PL Tow Observer appointment and another clinic to get AT Tow Observer.
I'm sure you have the best intentions re-building the Hearne tow group. Check out these new SOP.