Tow winch and trailer

Austin Free Flight Association Forum - Austin Texas

Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby Bill Cummings » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:03 am

Nate, Suggest to the AFFA members that they review the different topic threads on the AFFA/Hawks forum and also on other threads about platform towing.
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby cascpa » Sat Jan 31, 2015 12:18 pm

Hi Bill,
Sell the winch? Hmmm. I do not think we are there yet. But I will keep you in mind if it comes to that.

We do have the winch mounted in a 5'x8'x20" solid side wall trailer. The trailer capacity is about 2,500 pounds and rides on 15' tires. It is a solid riding trailer. The main tow tower is in the middle of trailer. The set up is ready to go for HG off of an A/T dolly or PG foot launch. Forecast is for rain for the next week. Hopefully we will be test flying it next weekend.

The tough part now is designing/engineering a platform launch system. How to set up the release seems to be the most difficult task, followed by location of cradles. I would like to get it right the first time. What was it you said about attention to detail...

If things bring you to Austin, look us up.

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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby Bill Cummings » Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:37 pm

How high off of the ground is the trailer bed?

If possible design the platform rig to allow a pilot already hooked into the hang strap to walk up and mount the rig quickly, safely, and easily.

A platform launching design that is set up for the fastest turn around time possible for the next pilot will easily be seen as the most desirable feature.

Could you attach a picture to a post here on the AFFA board?

Another consideration that comes to mind for putting together a platform launch is will the launching yoke allow for sufficient diameter training wheels when desired?

Basetubes now days come in all kinds of unique shapes that can complicate the design of a universal launch platform.
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby cascpa » Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:10 am

Good morning Bill,
The bed of the trailer is 18' off of the ground. The sidewalls of the trailer are 20" high. This puts the top of the sidewalls about 3 feet off of the ground. Much lower than most pick up sides. It is our intention to be able to walk right up behind the trailer clipped into your glider and walk the glider onto the trailer and in to the cradles. Although we are not certain yet, it appears that the glider will best be mounted at the side wall height. The trailer is five feet wide. Therefore, it is plenty wide enough to accommodate even large gliders with big training wheels. Our intent is to build cradles mounted on tubing so they can slide back and forth, just like on aerotow dollies. They would include short hose handles also. Just like in a/t, this will allow the pilot to hang on to them to adjust his pitch angle as the tow proceeds (I think we got that idea from you also).

Danny took several pictures the other day when we set a Falcon up on it. I will try to get those posted here shortly.

Thank you for your time, interest, experience and help,

Charlie Schneider
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby Bill Cummings » Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:00 pm

I would suggest that the hose handles be a loop and not just fastened at one end for each hand hold like you would find on most aerotowing dolly’s.
For aerotow dolly’s hoses being fastened only at one end each is fine since the dolly can be picked up that way since the dolly is so light.
On a platform tow the hose only fastened at one end can be stripped through your grasp easier than a loop can be stripped from your grasp.
Basetube hand holds.JPG
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby cascpa » Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:14 pm

Hi Bill,
Duly noted.

Are you coming out to the rim for President's Day Fly-in. We should be arriving Saturday near sunset.

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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby Bill Cummings » Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:57 pm

As it stands now I’m good to go if the weather will cooperate.
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby SamKellner » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:29 pm


Are you getting help with the Hearne tow ops? :twisted:

CowboyUp, @ Wharton, Tx.
Efraim, Jaime, Eduardo, Monty and everyone else who wants to learn how to use a pay-out winch safely please speak up. It is a great way to get airborne in Texas. One can safely fly in more wind and maybe even more turbulence than with aero towing. It is also cheaper. It does however require a lot of attention and a very methodical way to prepare for flight. The turn around time with a good rig and crew is about the same as aerotowing.
Who else wants to learn?
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby cascpa » Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:58 pm

Hi Sam,
Good to hear from you. How go things on the Frio River?

A core group of HG's and PG's has banded together up here with the direct intent of truck towing. Over the Holidays, we got the Tow-Me-Up (TMU) winch transferred to a bigger and better trailer. We have test run the systems and rewind motor (13 hp Honda capable of doing static tows). Mounted a seat in the trailer if operator wants to sit in trailer instead of vehicle. The whole rig has been moved out to Hearne in the Hanger we are renting there. Houston has their winch there also. Apparently our small efforts are having an effect. The Houston club has decided to go all in on supporting Hearne. We also have pilots in the Dallas/College Station areas showing interest. It is like everyone wants a PL rating now. We are taking things slow and steady. We have planned a training/orientation weekend the 14th and 15th of March. Come on out if you can. A few of the local instructors have expressed an interest to come out and instruct. The more folks we get up to speed on P/L and the TMU the greater the likelihood of reaching critical mass. We want to get the operation up and running smoothly by Memorial Day.

We should plan on bringing the rig to Leakey. It is very mobile on its new trailer.

Query: When are we going to bring back the Texas Open?

Charlie S.
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Re: Tow winch and trailer

Postby Bill Cummings » Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:40 pm

You sure put a smile on my face with that post Charlie :thumbup: :D :D
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