This is the Shasta Hawks (aka Shasta Sky Sailors, Inc.) The Shasta Sky Sailors formed in 1974. We pioneered Hat Creek Rim in 1975 and developed and maintained the site from that time until July of 2014. That's forty years of taking care of and nurturing a flying site. Some of our club members are original members from 1974.
In 2014, our club decided that liability issues had become too great for us to continue our involvement at the site (liability issues is what prompted us to incorporate in early 2009). With virtually NO support from USHPA to help curtail the ongoing issues at Hat Creek Rim, our group felt this was the best decision for us and that it was time to retire. 40 years at a flying site is quite a run!
Our group is interested in responsible flying site usage and the longevity of our sport and flying sites.
Please feel free to post here and if you have any questions, please, ask away.
- Shasta Hawks