12/22/1974 Log Entry :)

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12/22/1974 Log Entry :)

Postby BigBird » Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:32 am

My first attempt at coastal ridge soaring...

Flight #: 281. Location: Fort Funston. Size/Type: 19' Eipper. Type Flight: C-S. Wind Velocity and Conditions: 20-25 WNW. Vertical Descent: 200'. Piloting Time: 5min. Remarks: "Lost the lift - attempted to land - crashed broke both wrists."

Well, there it is, forty years ago today and as clear as if it were yesterday. I was a 6-month 'veteran' of the sport and tightly in the grips of the unforgiving 'intermediate syndrome'. At 19 years old, I was fearless and paid the price. Of course the stall and subsequent high-speed downwind impact slapped the intermediate syndrome right out of me :).

Ah, the good ol' daze...

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Re: 12/22/1974 Log Entry :)

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:05 pm

Today in Hang Gliding History:

BigBird wrote:I was a 6-month 'veteran' of the sport and tightly in the grips of the unforgiving 'intermediate syndrome'. At 19 years old, I was fearless and paid the price.

That's a good lesson for all new and intermediate pilots ... even after 40 years!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Thanks for the ride!

Postby Rick Masters » Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:23 pm

Sonoma Wings Owens Valley Trip: July 25, 1986 to August 4, 1986
Got up at our usual time (6:10) to go flying on Sunday. Met Ivan Wick and Jon for breakfast next door, then got ready. Rick Masters hooked a ride up with us, putting his glider on Ivan's truck, and riding up in the Trooper with us. He flies this area more than anyone else, had a lot of good tips, which I tried to remember. At the launch (Walt's Point) were about fifteen gliders setting up, including Dale, Susan, and Rick. Mike, Roy, and Franz were also there, but weren't going to fly after their 130 mile flights the day before.

Thanks for the ride up the mountain!

I'd flown 178 miles on June 23. That Sunday, the 27th of July, I followed you folks up to Movie Road and left my van there. I wrote that conditions were "weak." I launched on a green Pacific Wings Express with a Sport Keller harness. I must have launched early because I "out-thermaled everybody and left with 11,500. Found some nice thermals but most were choppy and some violent." After an hour and 20 minutes, I "decided there was no point leaving the van so I flew out to Movie Flat. Good landing with an early, high flare."
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