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My next Flight will be my Greatest flight!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:25 pm
by Chris McKeon
You know Regarding a couple of My All Knowing Doctors, Who dictated My Terrible Prognosis; A Prognosis that I would never regain My intellectual capabilities. That IOI would never get to be much better than a Potato. Also that I would never walk again. Yet here I am, getting more and more to be just like I was before that Sunday in March, March 28th 2010. Here I am rambling on typing away regarding My past. So when I fly down at Dockweiler Beach, it will be the greatest Fight for Me in 21 Years!

Re: My next Flight will be my Greatest flight!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:55 pm
by Bob Kuczewski
Chris McKeon wrote:So when I fly down at Dockweiler Beach, it will be the greatest Fight for Me in 21 Years!

Great attitude Chris!!

Re: My next Flight will be my Greatest flight!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:19 pm
by Chris McKeon
You know I probably put this on the Post titled Mentally Flying. Hell because these Days the only Heavier than Air Flying available to Me is to take My Flights in a Mental way. Yes You Guys could call Me a "Head Case". For I think about Flying just short of being one who constantly thinks about Flying. Yes I have It bad. I want to Fly, no correct that; I will Fly again. I was talking to John one Day and I remember saying to John: "I so want to recover to 100 Percent or More". John said to Me; "Your 100 percent is a very large number". When I am with John I feel like I can Fly exceptionally well. John make \|Me feel like I am a Pilot vextrodi8nare. Yes being with John is good for my mental state. After I finish talking with John I feel like there is nothing that I cannot do as a Pilot. John is a Great Person-Pilot for Me to be around.