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 Post subject: Wills Wing Demo Days at Crestline, April/May 2015
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:00 am 
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Wills Wing Demo Days at Crestline
April 30th, 2015 through May 2nd, 2015

I just got this message from Steven Pearson at Wills Wing:

Steven Pearson from Wills Wing wrote:
I’d appreciate if you would post the following notice on your club forum as soon as possible because there is only one week left to register for free tickets to the Saturday night demo-days gala.

Wills Wing will be hosting our 2015 principal annual demo event and party at our home site in cooperation with the Crestline Soaring Society . Official demos are between Thursday, April 30th and Saturday, May 2nd but we’ll also be out earlier in the week subject to weather conditions. Late spring conditions are very often the best part of the season at Crestline. For those of you not familiar with our site, we have 6 designated launches between the training hill and Crestline with 3500 of vertical. The Cross Country Ranch is adjacent to the landing area with a spectacular 220,000 gallon spring-fed “pond” and deck for after-flying activities (camping is also available at the ranch on a first-come basis). CSS with be hosting a dinner on Friday night with Rob Von Zabern DJing at the pond. Wills Wing will host a catered dinner on Saturday night, free for all pilots who register by April 12th (see below).

We’ll have demos available for each of our models including the Alpha 180 and 210; the Falcon 4 145, 170, 195 and Tandem; the Sport 2 135, 155 and 175; and T2Cs 136, 144 and 154. There will also be programs including Mike Meier award-winning presentation at the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, “Why can’t we get a handle on this safety thing”, Ryan Voight’s ever-popular landing clinic, Zac Major on getting into Sport-Class comps, Dustin Martin on cross-country flying, Rob McKenzie hosting a late-afternoon session on the training hill (Thursday) and an Alpha fun meet.

We normally do not request pre-registration for demo days but this event is different because we expect a lot of pilots and CSS has offered a discounted day-use fee for pre-registration to reduce the administrative burden onsite and to support the event.

We’ve posted an online registration and demo sign-up sheet on our website for the Crestline Demo Days, April 30th to May 2nd. (click Register Now) (direct link)

The sign-up form asks what gliders you would like to fly and pilots who pre-register will have first access to demos.

CSS charges $10/day for visiting pilots as an option to the $100 annual pass. If you register on our website by April 26th, you can purchase an event pass valid for April 28th though May 2nd for $25.

We’re hosting a catered dinner and party on Saturday night, May 2nd. To help us plan for the event, we’re offering free meal tickets if you register online by April 12th. If you register after the 12th and before the 26th, the price is $20. If you don’t register, there will be a very limited number of tickets for sale onsite available on a first-come basis.

We expect this to be the largest gathering of hang glider pilots in 2015 and we hope you’ll join us.

Steven Pearson

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