Is the shown set of rules a copy of some "official" rule set?
One place: ... site-rulesBut is that the legal copy?
Has a copy of the rule set ever shown in a legal case? In an incident's formal discussion in the chambers of the San Diego City Council?
Probably old matter, ...sorry..., but some textual illogical statements stand out, e.g.,
1.All pilots must be USHPA members
But I am sure RC and sailplane people are not intended for that remark; but the rule set in this thread entails that FOR ALL flight operations, a membership in a private corporation (or 30-day pass) is needed; that in the text moves RC and sailplane users to that same private corporation ... in a public park gliderport.
The rules seem to apply to the use of particular lands for takeoff. A sailplane or hang glider coming into the subject airspace without taking off of the particular gliderport lands would not have to join a private hang glider corporation to fly in the airspace, I am guessing. The exact land for takeoff for the rules is probably on a map; such land parcels have boundaries.
Has the FAA published the airspace rules that are implied in the airspace-use parts of the shown rule set? Remote takeoff incoming gliders of any sort may not know of the constraints by the concession's Flight Director, if such matter is not on the sectionals.
Are the reports to the Flight Director of the concession public record? Should they be? Log of incidents? Internet view?
How tight is The Flight Director with the for-profit doings? Seems like a severe conflict of interest package if the office of Flight Director is in bed with the selling of goods. Sorry for not being aware of these old nuances...
Two kinds of paragliders: airframed with short tether line(s) is one; the other is canopy unairframed with many very long lines (gliding kite parachute). Both types of paragliders are types of hang gliders. One type can wad up with ordinary windfield helicities and fall without effective wing (a wad is not very effective for flight); the other keeps its wing without wadding.
Why not file one's airframed hang glider as a sailplane and forget the USHPA and the concessionaire; launch outside the concessionaire's land (I am still not yet knowing where the concessionary land authority is and is not? Does the land involve the sailplane runway?