Notice of upcoming Election:
Bob Kuczewski, September 6th, 2014 wrote:
Hello Fellow Torrey Hawks,
We'll be holding our annual election for club officers this coming Second Sunday (September 14th, 2014).
The current officers are:
President: Brian McMahon
Vice President: David Beardslee
Secretary: Bob Kuczewski
All current officers are willing to serve another year, but if anyone else wants to run for any office, please let me know by email or phone call (858-204-7499) before Friday night. Thanks.
Also, the Crestline Soaring Society is holding their annual Andy Jackson Fly-In today (September 6th). They always have great events, and you can get more information at: Safe!!
Bob Kuczewski
Club Secretary - Torrey Hawks Hang Gliding Club
I sent that last week, and I haven't gotten any requests to be added to the ballot, so we'll keep the same officers as last year.
I should note that I did miss one phone call from an 801 area code on September 12th around 2:43pm. I have no idea if that call was related to the election or even related to flying. I tried calling back within 2 minutes after missing the call and I got a busy signal. I tried calling back 6 different times yesterday (Saturday, September 13th) and I got a busy signal each time. I tried calling this morning and similarly got a busy signal. I also tried sending the following text message to that phone number:
Hello, I got a call from this number, but when I try to return the call I get a busy signal. Please call again.
That text message did not go through, and as of this morning, I have not heard back at all from that number. We do have several members who live in the 801 area code, but I checked all of the numbers in our roster and the number didn't match any.