Hello Fellow Hawks!!
I just emailed the following request to our three Region 3 Directors with a copy to our Torrey Hawks President and a few others:
Hello Dan, Corey, Alan, Brian, and others,
I'm writing to request a meeting between our club's officers and members and all three of our Region 3 Directors to discuss the Torrey Pines Gliderport.
As you most likely know, the Torrey Pines Gliderport has been a flash point of contention for many years (long before my own time in the sport).
During my term as Regional Director, we had a deep divide in our local representation with myself on one side and Brad Hall on the other. We were deadlocked and unable to come up with a unified approach.
I am hopeful that this new set of Directors (all from one great biwingual club) can finally take a fair look at the situation and work together with us to help get it resolved in a way that's consistent with the fine club atmosphere that you've enjoyed at Crestline.
I am also hopeful that we can find a time during the Christmas holiday season when we could all meet at Crestline for your convenience (possibly after a nice day of flying). I cannot speak for all of our officers, but I can commit myself to meeting at any time which is convenient for you. So please write back to let me know what time(s) you might be available and hopefully we can find a time that works for most (if not all) of us.
Finally, let's put our divisions behind us and join together to make 2014 the year that all Region 3 Directors worked together to solve an ongoing problem in Region 3!!
Sincerely . . . and Optimistically,
Bob Kuczewski
Club Secretary - Torrey Hawks Hang Gliding Club
858-204-7499 ... Please call any time!!
As I mentioned in the message, I am optimistic that this group of Directors might finally be able to work together to come up with a fair approach for the benefit of everyone in Region 3. I'll post the specifics of any meeting that we schedule to make it open to all of our Torrey Hawks members.
Thanks again for your membership!!!
Bob Kuczewski