Chris has been posting on in a topic titled "
BEING ARRESTED AFTER LANDING". Chris took the initiative to actually call the Torrey business (Air California Adventure) and report on what he found. Here are some of his posts on
By Roadrunner
- Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:31 pm
Well i had an interesting, though disturbing Phone call with a Gal who answered the Phone 858-453--9858. Well i asked the Girl that if I were to Fly XC from one of the other sites down in Sandiego. If I was able to after Flying Cross Country. If I were to land at the Torrey Pines LZ. Would that be an acceptable thing for Me to do. She replied: If you had not paid us, and if You did not have a Waiver, or heck Maybre She called the Paper a Permission Slip. I do not know. Look I was having a Person who represented a Corrupt Organization. I mean I have been Flying XC for twenty Years. I have never been asked, no I have never had someone tell Me that if I landed at a Costal Beach where Some People were running an Commercial operation, making Money of Law-abiding Taxpayers Backs. I can just see it now. Chris, so tell Me why how come You were arrested upon finishing Your Little XC Flight Down in San Diego? ME; Because I did not Pay a Commercial operation. so that I could Legally Land,
I swear, You just can't make this up!
By Roadrunner
- Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:06 pm
So I am not a Citizen of San Diego. But especially if I were a Property-owning Tax Paying Citizen upon reading what UI typed would infuriate Me. I mean just look at this corrupt Crooked Deal. I mean You have a Private Commercial operation that Operates an Commercial enterprise that operates for Profit. By controlling this Strip Of Beech-Cliff. An operation that put's Money in the Pockets of those Who Own Torrey Pines Glider Port. There does seem to be a disagreement as to what Would Happn say to Me if I had Launched from another site. Then I had Flown and ended up landing at Torrey Pings. I called Torrey Pines and was told that if I ever landed there without having Prior to My landing . Wel I would be met by Someone who would demand My Waiver. If I did not have a Waiver upon My landing. I would be arrested by the Local Police. It appears To Me that the Citizens of San Diego. Have been, and will continue being ; Sold a Bum, Raw deal.
By Roadrunner
- Fri Mar 24, 2023 11:51 pm
I was thinking about How when I was ta;limg to a Gal at the Torrey Pines Glider Port, that when I asked if I landed on the Ground, Beach that allegedly own/ Lease. ? Well when i ASKED hER IF I were om a Given Day, if I was to after Flying XCross country, if I were to land there would there bw a problem? Well with out taking time to take a Breth. She blurted out; IF You did mot hace a waiver, we would call the local Police and have You arrested.
I know that what I am writing about has been posted previously by Me. all this Post an instinctual redundant Post. But it just Blows My Mind that You People/Pilots continue to tolerate being abused by this sort of corruption.
By Roadrunner
- Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:07 pm
OK I am surprised that this Post of Mine about how When I called an Commercial Operation if I were to Fly from an inland site down in Sandiego. If I or anyone else for that matter would be arrested by the local Police Sorry, but how can this be? Maybe it is a case of "FOLLOW THE MONEY". I do not know, Does any one know how much Money that Torrey Pines Glider Park pays the Local Pollice in order so that The Police will enforce their Crooked Policies? No I do not that if Money has indeed changed hands so that this can take place. I really do not think that a Paper Trail will exist.
Heck I have upon landing after a relatively short 44 Mile Cross Country Flight. I have had Two quite agitated Young Men who had Guns come up to Me telling How I violated "Their Air Space", and How I was not supposed to land om Federal Land, etc., etc., etc., Well at least those two angry Young Men were speaking on Behalf of the United Staes Military. They were not the Proprietors of a Commercial Operation, that was operating on Public Land. This Crooked Deal needs to be confronted. I believe when I am flying again, I do not know which Flying site down in San Diego that I will launch from. But I do have an idea where I will land. I know that I will need to be prepared to be arrested on that Day. The way this has been allowed to descend into this state corruption, You Pilots who the vast Majority of are Property owners. Heck You Guys own that Strip of beach. I have a question; Why is it that You Guys have not dealt with it begore?
By Roadrunner
- Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:20 pm
OK Look; I know, I know that I seem to be harping on this The Subject of When I called a Privately run Concession that were making a Buck, actually quite a few Bucks By securing Permission to operate a Concession, a concession By the City of San Diego. By the way they are allowed to Fleece the Public by Charging them to Fly above the Beach that They already own down in San Diego California. Yes if I were drive down to San Diego Before I could Launch, I would Have to Pay Money to the Operation, The Racket that operates a Concession Called the Torrey Pines Glider Port. I mean they run their Scam operation Charging the General Public to enjoy Their own Property. It Blows My Mind that The Publick puts up with this Crap! When I called The Torrey Pines Fleecing Concession (858) 452-9858 I am not joking Here when I say that when I asked the Question: If I were to Fly an XC Route from anyone of the other Flying sites to Torrey Pines and I landed at their L Z, would everything be fine? She really did say this to Me. IF You did not have a signed Release on Your Person, WE would call the Police and have You arrested. Arrested? This just blows My Mind!
Good job Chris!!