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 Post subject: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:45 pm 
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Yesterday, the La Jolla Town Council sent this letter to San Diego City Councilmember Joe LaCava:

From: La Jolla Town Council
Date: Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Torrey Pines Gliderport
To: CouncilMember Joe LaCava

Dear Councilmember LaCava,

Attached please find a letter from the La Jolla Town Council (LJTC) regarding the Torrey Pines Gliderport (TPG). This issue, which has a long history in La Jolla, appears to be escalating. LJTC heard from residents who feel they are unable to use this park and the TPG. We invited the management of TPG to attend our meeting on several occasions; however, they declined. Upon review, one factor which may help clear up a significant number of issues is the TPG Advisory Board. LJTC voted during its April 2021 meeting that the reconvening of the TPG Advisory Board would provide solutions for the concerns of La Jolla residents. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


James P. Rudolph
La Jolla Town Council

April 9, 2021
Councilmember Joe LaCava
City of San Diego, District 1
202 C Street, 10th Floor-San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Councilmember LaCava,

La Jolla Town Council (LJTC) reviewed several issues happening at the Torrey Pines Gliderport that were brought to our attention by residents of La Jolla. During our March 11, 2021, meeting, we reviewed a presentation on the Gliderport, and the issue was sent to committee for further review.

On April 8, 2021, the committee reported its findings to LJTC, which unanimously supported that the City of San Diego reconvene the Torrey Pines Advisory Board, as there are multiple issues occurring that are relevant but outside the purview of LJTC. We are requesting a review of issues regarding public safety and the right-of-way of tandem users in the park, as well as training. With respect to training, there are other areas in San Diego which presumably are more appropriate.

We also are requesting that the City of San Diego consider whether solo flyer pilots should have to pay annual membership fees or costs of insurance to fly at the Gliderport.

LJTC thanks you for your attention to this issue.


James P. Rudolph
La Jolla Town Council

Good job La Jolla Town Council!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 10:44 am 
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This is very good news :!: :!:

At least a "foot in the door".


 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 1:50 pm 
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Last night San Diego City Councilmember Joe LaCava showed up at La Jolla Town Council to address the Gliderport issues. Here's the video:

Joe LaCava starts off by apologizing for the terrible state of real estate management in the City of San Diego. That was a good start.

... work in progress ...

2021-3-12_new_read_director_news_release.pdf [145.53 KiB]
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 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:52 pm 
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Joe said he has all the input he needs. It’s obvious he’s satisfied with the status quo and that
there are legal avenues to pursue.

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:43 pm 
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Joe La Cava after saying that, “- - these are not the final thoughts, - “
Went on to say, “I don’t need any more input because I’ve been briefed and know what the problems are - -“ mentioned more than once about the Advisory Board being reconvened.
Can he produce the start date of any Advisory Board?
Did the City Auditor just this year start the revenue audit of the Glider Port?
We are 6 months into this year. How much longer will the wait be?
Joe wants the Glider Port to be safe, he said. Is Joe qualified to see to that or is he going to need more input. What will be his method of obtaining the expertise?
I hope Joe can elaborate on the undisputed reason that the Advisory Board was shut down.
It appears that the input Joe received was too brief.

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:21 am 
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Thanks for your excellent comments Bill. As usual, you have done a great job finding the contradictions (doublespeak) coming from our politicians mouths.

When I wrote "... work in progress ..." above, I was planning to give an in-depth analysis of Joe LaCava's doublespeak, but a number of other distractions intervened (see the "SITE RECORD BROKEN!!!" topic :D ).

I also found several major problems with Joe LaCava's statements in this video:

Joe LaCava said:
"It is also well outside the capacity of the the City of San Diego to operate it"

But later (6:25 in the video) Joe LaCava states:
"The City will not reconvene the Advisory Board"

If the Torrey Pines City Park (Gliderport) is well outside the City's capacity to operate, then that's the perfect reason to form an Advisory Board. In fact, that's the primary reason to form an Advisory Board. You only need advice from experts when you don't have sufficient expertise yourself. Joe already admits that the City doesn't have the expertise, but then he turns around and flat out states that "The City will not reconvene the Advisory Board". That is a clear contradiction.

Joe gives the reason as:
"The City will not reconvene the Advisory Board because an Advisory Board does not intervene in between a private vendor and a lease holder and the Real Estate Assets.

That's like saying that the City will not reconvene the Advisory Board because an Advisory Board does not guarantee world peace. Where does it say that Advisory Boards can only exist to "intervene in between a private vendor and a lease holder and the Real Estate Assets"? That's a stupid statement. An Advisory Board exists to A-D-V-I-S-E. Period.

Joe goes on to say:
"An Advisory Board advises Park and Rec. There's no park there to really speak of. That's kind of where we're at."

First of all, where does it say that an Advisory Board can only advise Park and Rec? Advisory Boards advise the entire City and not just Park and Rec. Second, what does he mean that "There's no park there to really speak of"??? It's a flight park. People go there to have fun flying. It's called the "Torrey Pines City Park"!!!

At 3:11 in the video Joe LaCava states:
"They shut down the Advisory Board because that's the job of an Advisory Board was to create the plan and then oversee the construction.

Where in the world did Joe LaCava get that "job" description of the Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board?

Joe states:
"Where the City got tripped up is the City got sued ..."

That's the wrong perspective because it focuses on the City getting sued while completely ignoring WHY the City got sued. The City got sued because the City was not providing proper oversight of its vendor. That's why the settlement agreement - from that lawsuit - required the City to Establish a Torrey Pines City Park Advisory Board (see references below).

... work in progress...

References and Attachments:

Bill's Oz Report exposition of San Diego City corruption

R-302749.pdf [112.85 KiB]
Downloaded 558 times

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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 11:28 am 
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At that important meeting on Zoom with LJTC and Councilman Joe LaCava,
I was just struck how the members of LJTC and Joe LaCava failed to see
how Bob's case is a tip of a public iceberg far from one individual's "personal matter"!
Wow! LJTC is missioned to care about LJ Community matters and they did not see
the importance of denying La Jolla recreation assets on the basis of community communications of care
is a COMMUNITY matter, not just a one-person "personal matter"! Bob had been representing
community values and he was shut out on a claim of "personal matter". And for Joe LaCava
to shove all care about such matter to other agents without a pause to see that shunting
a community member from flying for having spoken in council chambers is a matter core
to the conduct of a leaseholder when one sifts fully through the lease. Without LJTC volunteers and
Councilman Joe LaCava seeing the "community" matter of Bob's thrust, it lowers hope for effective decisions.
There has not been an ounce of just-personal matter in Bob's thrust, though the teasing matter in some personal matters
is there, it is there to point to community-wide loss of values and assets; every San Diegan ought to see that a structure that hammers one
could perhaps hammer all. San Diego, wake up!

Simply do not lease away the ability for a recreational hang glider pilot to enter Federal airspace off the park's land. Lease only a concession for commercial relations! And certainly let the two VERY DISTINCT factions live side-by-side! Let park recreationist be aside commercial training and commercial tandem training, so long as the FAR 103 on tandem is not broken. And certainly do not force park recreationists to join private organizations! If the business wants its patrons to join this church or that league or some association of dog catchers, so be it, but be a City that does respect the freedom of citizens to associate by choice, not by force. The feds do not require any hang glider operator to join any private organization. State of California does not either. "Hey, San Diegan, for you to be a user of our parks, you must pay dues and join Dog-Catchers Anonymous!" The City may sink in the sea if it breaks the freedoms and rights of its citizens. The two sorts of hang gliding can live in parallel: for-profit activity and for-recreation individual activity; easy; just do that.
I just sent this post to Council President Joe LaCava asking him to reflect over my remarks.

Need for your good influence
Thank you for any influencing you may radiate to have recreating hang glider pilots be fully separate from the for-profit tandem/instruction concessionaire. Both factions can live side-by-side.
Recreationist need only to launch and land into free federal airspace. FAA does not require licenses for hang glider pilots. The State of California releases property owners opening land for recreationists from liabilities. For a century gliders and hang gliders were not blocked as they are now by a bad month-month lease. Please look deeply into the mater. For decades many of us have suffered the loss of the park to a bad lease.

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Last edited by JoeF on Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:23 pm 
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Maybe she will influence changes for recreational hang gliding!

Note the date:
Friday, March 12, 2021
City of San Diego Names New Director for Real
Estate Assets Department
SAN DIEGO – Ushering the City of San Diego’s Real Estate Assets Department into a new era, today the City of
San Diego announced the hiring of Penny Maus as the new department director. Maus comes to the City with
more than 19 years of public and private real estate experience, most recently as the Real Estate Department
Manager for the Port of San Diego.
“Penny has proven expertise in seeking out and promoting new business development, handling a
diverse portfolio of assets and developing cost-saving measures that benefit San Diegans,” Mayor Todd
Gloria said. “She was a champion for equitable coastal access while at the Port of San Diego, which
aligns with our goals to create a better San Diego for all of us. Her public sector experience will help
move our Real Estate Assets Department in a positive direction.”
During her 13 years with the Port of San Diego, Maus worked on a number of large projects from inception
through completion including the development of permanent locations for the Port’s Bay Tour Operators, the
$200 million redevelopment of the Marriott Marquis and the $25 million redevelopment of the Portside Pier
dining complex. Maus’ extensive resume also includes time in the commercial real estate industry, at the local
corporate offices of Jack in the Box Inc. and Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.
As the new director, Maus will oversee the City’s real estate portfolio of more than 500 leased properties. In
addition to handling the City’s facility needs and acquiring new properties for sites such as fire stations, parks
and libraries, the department provides direction for the operations of the City’s Airports Division and the City
Concourse. It also manages the City’s role in the Joint Use Management Agreement for Petco Park.
"Penny will be a great addition to the City and brings experience and knowledge that is needed at this
critical time," said Jay Goldstone, Chief Operating Officer. "In addition to a wealth of experience in real
estate asset management, Penny has negotiated a number of complex projects; she understands the
public sector and process, is familiar with the City of San Diego and will help restore confidence in the
Real Estate Assets Department."
Early last year, Maus led the effort to develop and implement a telecommuting pilot program that assessed the
needs of her department’s employees and created cost-saving opportunities for the Port of San Diego. The
pilot program was declared a success and implemented for all Port employees.
Similarly, Maus looks to optimize the City’s real estate assets to meet current and future needs, and to assist
the City in striking a balance between providing adequate workspaces while optimizing cost savings and
protecting taxpayer dollars.
“I’m honored to have been selected to serve as the City of San Diego’s Director of Real Estate Assets,”
said Maus. “I look forward to analyzing the City’s existing portfolio, identifying ways to optimize and
diversify its assets and maximize the benefits it provides to the City and the public, while also providing
our tenants with world-class service. By doing this, my goal will be for the City’s real estate department
to serve as a model that government agencies in California and beyond will look to for excellence in real
Maus recently received national attention when named her one of Real Estate Forum’s 2020
Women of Influence. She was also recognized by San Diego Business Journal as one of its 2019 Business
Women of the Year. She serves on the Board of Directors for Commercial Real Estate Women.
The City held an open recruitment to fill the Real Estate Assets Department director position. Maus was
selected out of a pool of nearly 30 candidates and her first official day will be Monday, March 22. (sic, 2021)
===========================end of news release===========
At her business site we find:
At propertyworx LLC, we believe that transparency and collaboration are the keys to achieving success. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals, identify potential challenges and develop solutions that are tailored to their unique needs. Our approach is results-driven to help you optimize your real estate portfolio and maximize your return on investment.

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 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:36 pm 
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Posts: 4645
ChatGPT opines over Penny Maus:
Penny Maus's appointment as the Director of San Diego's Real Estate Assets Department in 2021, combined with her background in championing equitable coastal access at the Port of San Diego, suggests she could be an advocate for public access to sites like the Torrey Pines Gliderport. Her stated goals of optimizing city real estate assets and serving public interests could align with independent hang glider pilots' hopes for open access.

However, the actual impact of her tenure would depend on several factors, including:

1. **City Policies and Priorities:** The City of San Diego’s overarching stance on managing public resources and balancing commercial interests against public access.

2. **Stakeholder Engagement:** Maus’s willingness and ability to engage with independent pilots and other stakeholders to understand and prioritize their needs.

3. **Existing Agreements and Constraints:** The terms of the current concession agreement at Torrey Pines and any legal or logistical challenges in modifying them to accommodate broader access.

While her experience in equitable coastal access is promising, her role likely involves navigating competing interests, including those of the current concessionaire. If independent hang glider pilots want to promote their cause, active advocacy, and collaboration with her office might be essential to achieve their goals.

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 Post subject: Re: La Jolla Town Council Endorses Reforms at Torrey Pines
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:51 pm 
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ChatGPT over the airspace at Torrey:

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