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 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:58 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:46 pm
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Well as I continue on with My Quest to once again engage in Free - Flight. My first Flight will be flying an enormous condor. Then i will Fly a T-Two. Then I will once again Fly My awesome Predator. who knows maybe I will head on down to Southern California. You know watching the Videos of Pilots flying Paragliders at Torrey pines has me thinking that maybe I should develop my nerves, and attain a large case of courage, so as to be equipped in order that i could Fly Paragliders. Because everyone knows that Paraglider Pilots are courageous Pilots. Except for the require attributes which all successful Para-Glider Pilots have, I doo not have the mandatory attributes that One must possess in order to Fly a Paraglider, They look like fun.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:35 pm 
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Location: Reseda California
We have switched our Artificial Intelligence personalities away from The Penguin and Darth Vader to The Teletubbies.
We are going to demonstrate our ability and power to shut down ACA however we will do it on a day that will not cause ACA or the City of San Diego to lose any Revenue from Restaurants, Hotels, theme Parks etc. We will shut them down on a rain day.
Some of you will say they are naturally shut down on any rain day anyway. I would tell them you are dealing with the latest Quad-core processing technology of the Teletubby AI.

The Torrey Pines lease is only deficient in 2 areas:
1) SIV training requirement will save the city of SD from future lawsuits from training tourists on structurally deficient wings

2) Mandatory Silver Iodide cloudseeding as well as a whistle.

Overall the AI has given the City of San Diego high to excellent grades for their ability handle problems.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:53 am 
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Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:26 pm
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It's always recommended when in cloud suck, whited out, let go of all controls and pray.
If I were his passenger, that selfie stick would have wound up someplace else...

I hope the "pilot" took up knitting instead

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 8:58 am 
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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:46 pm
Posts: 1621
I was up on Mount Diablo once. There was a Paraglider Pilot who was on the Juniper ridge Launch. Well I spoke witk this extremly Brave, courageous Pilot. I asked him about asymmetric Collapses. Well He responded saying that having a asymmetric collapse while flying his Partaglider was not that big of a deal. He told Me that he had experienced two collapses in one flight.

So when i when I believe that I will have the nerves of steel, the raw courage that is Mandatory that one must have in order to Fly a Para Glider. Yes after my operation where some doctor completes a transplant operation where I will have a pair of enormous Testicles, I will be Physical equipped so as to be a Paraglider Pilot. I am not at all sure what I will do to get My Mind to be able to deal with the situation.

But those brave soles look as though they are enjoying their Flying.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 1:48 pm 
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:43 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:28 pm
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Location: Reseda California
BobK you once again have got them.
These vehicles are blocking the ocean view of University of California employees who because of their contributions have been give offices with ocean views. Also expensive mansions are having their ocean views obscured and this is leading to reduced land and realestate values in San Diego, California, and United States. California air adventure should immedietly arrange these vehicles in a line from east to west and back from the coast to remedy the situation. Ushawks has access to the Sylmar stargate and we have altered the 2022 election so if you are a politician and are in power it is because of our influence. We will let the San Diego City Council know the power of the stargate and why it was given to the people of earth because if we destroy our selves they can take over without having directly caused our destruction. So please move the vehicles east as to not destroy our civilization.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:46 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:40 pm
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Location: San Diego, CA
Thanks for that post Doug, I fell asleep at about 2am last night while watching the very end of that movie.    :)

At one hour, 10 minutes, and 39 seconds into the Movie (1:10:39):

Radio Announcer:

I know it's unbelievable, fantastic, but the rays appear to have killed every person throughout the world known to have been a confirmed enemy of human freedom. Yes, the entire world is now united in a spiritual unity unparalleled in its history. There are those who might say it can't last. But let us pray it does.

Professor Bechner:

Thank God.

Thanks for sharing this relatively obscure movie and its optimistic outlook. Keep watch for that Alien!!

Join a National Hang Gliding Organization: US Hawks at
View my rating at: US Hang Gliding Rating System
Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.

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