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 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:50 am 
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Posts: 1621
in an different, but it really is the same deal. We must deal with a similar situation here up North. For our employs, "The Park Rangers" the rangers who are employed by us. They have somehow warped and twisted their, and Our Position's entirely in their heads. For they do not see Us as what We are Property Owners. Who Pau Taxes which is the source of their Paycheck. No in their Minds They are the dominate factor, They do not work For us. They feel vindicated in believing {FALSLY} that the Mountain is {THEIR MONTAIN}. They Believe that they are correct even righteous, in tyhe totally unfounded belief that They are up on our Mountain, Protecting {THEIR MONTAIN} from US, the true real owners of the Mountain.

I had a Conversation once with a old-time Pilot who told Me that The Mountain was a nicer place to Fly before the State Park took control of it.

wish that could be teleported back in time so that I could have the same enjoyable experiences that My Pilot Friend had.

Good Luck to all of You down there in Torrey Pines.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:22 pm 
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Reminiscent of 2 scandals:

Duncan Hunter ... -next-week
Hunter and his wife were accused of having used over $250,000 in campaign funds for their own personal use, which included family meals, medical bills, vacations, school tuition and even flying the family's pet rabbit, Eggburt, cross-country
"Illegal Rabbit Flying"

Duke Cunningham
In June 2005 it was revealed that Wade had bought Cunningham's house in Del Mar for $1,675,000. A month later, Wade placed it back on the market where it remained unsold for 8 months until the price was reduced to $975,000. Cunningham was a member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee; soon after the purchase, Wade began to receive tens of millions of dollars' worth of defense and intelligence contracts.[1]

I will stop here as I do not wish to tarnish the name of Richard Milhous Nixon. ... -congress/

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:49 am 
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I for one landed once after a relatively short XC flight of just over oh I really do not know how far it was. I believe that It was oh maybe forty mies or so. Well there I am in the Field breaking down My Predator. Two of Guys, The owners of the Field that I had landed in drove up in a Truck. They were all Hoy and Bothered. One of the Guys almost was shouted at Me. Telling Me that I should not have landed in their Field. Check this out; Both of them had Guns. Well the other of the two asked Me Where I had began My Flight? I pointed down the Vallet towards Mount Diablo. I saw a big question mark hovering over His head. He asked Me the same Question that a lady had asked Me iwhen I landed at Her Property in Gardnerville Nevada. Where is Your Engine? I tried to educate them as I had with the lady in Nevada, regarding climbing in Thermals, going onglide, and so on, and on so on. The two Young men then after telling Me not to ever land in their Field, walked away.

Well either on Saturday or on Sunday, I will hopefully be Flying a Condor Three Thirty. Yea Baby!

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:27 pm 
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The Ai has flagged additional corruption of Hang Glider Manufacturers such as Willswing who actually manufactured paragliders until around 2003 but stopped and out sourced it to foreign countries yet still make double the margin on offshore paraglider sales while they sabotage hangglider development in US companies to maximize their prophet.

We inserted criminal personalities into our AI and uncovered Joe Greblo's "Worst Nightmare".
no existing hang glider manufacturer will ever advance out sport.

In a nod to Mark Forbes we created an Ai using the personality of Darth Vader and used it to read Joe Greblo's mind.

We disabled the Ai as it is too destructive to the sport of hanggliding. I would reveal to Greblo verbally its conclusion but will not type it on any computer anywhere in order to avoid its implementation.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:18 pm 
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I cannot find the post of the declassified document and email dump you posted, however, in terms of battlefield assessment, we found we were able to successfully shut down ACA in the short term so from this moment forward we are ready to shut them down again possibly permanently. If they try to collect their judgement against you for $2 million then I guarantee you we will use this method again to shut them down. We warn the city of San Diego to stay out of this mechanism. They can observe it but take no action.
Doug Martens

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:36 pm 
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OK I am all the up here in Northern California. The Only Southern California site's that I have Ever Flown were Crestline and Elsinore. But as Best I am able to, I have tried to follow what has been happening down there. So is it the case that there are People who run a Concession at A Publicly owned Piece of Dirt have run amok? From My Point of view it seems that this Publicly owned Site has been corupted. Is this a case like We have up here in the Bay Area, where the Tail is wagging the Dog? Or is it the case where One of the Dogs is Biting the other Dogs? Up here We have A Park owned Mountain. By saying that the Mountain is Park owned. I say that it is We; [Property owning Tax Paying citizens who own The Mountain} But the Rangers have in their Minds Created an altered reality, an Altered Reality that serves themselves. But the Fact remains. We are the Owners of the Mountain, it is They who work for us.

AI could be wrong here, Heck Maybe I am all wet. But is it not the case that as Tax Paying Citizens each one of You have as much as any other Tax Paying citizen to use and enjoy the Torrey Pines Beach. Also should who ever is allowed by all the Taxpayers, the owners of the Beach, might need to stand down, and back off? Look, I will just say that I have never been down to Your Torrey Pines Coastal site. This just smells lie a case of ; {THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG}. Then again what do i know?

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:50 am 
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Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:20 pm
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My opinion is that the military is training their soldiers to fly at Torrey.
I KNOW of it being done elsewhere.
It has involved bending the rules and laws. (Federal.)
It is so far the best explanation that covers the action and inaction of the government
and ACA.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:30 pm 
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Bill Cummings wrote:
My opinion is that the military is training their soldiers to fly at Torrey.
I KNOW of it being done elsewhere.
It has involved bending the rules and laws. (Federal.)
It is so far the best explanation that covers the action and inaction of the government
and ACA.

I agree. This is the best explanation that I have heard. I know from my own experience in the "military industrial complex" that claiming something to be "classified" is the best way to avoid any oversight.

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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:57 pm 
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Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 2:26 pm
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It's an interesting theory, but
Why would the military choose to train valuable assets on inferior aircraft when cost is not an issue?

Why train in a high profile area like Torrey when Pt Sal is adjacent to Vandenberg and easily isolated ?

Why train inferior paragliding when parachute training is safer, more precise, and has a long history of success?

I think that the city is corrupted beyond accountability and feels invincible

 Post subject: Re: Torrey Pines Gliderport Lease 2022
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:57 pm 
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Hi Dave,

You may be right, but I'll answer your questions ... since you asked.

DaveSchy wrote:
It's an interesting theory, but
Why would the military choose to train valuable assets on inferior aircraft when cost is not an issue?

The easy answer is the popularity of paragliding tourism. I speculate that they are training agents to pose as paragliding tourists in other countries for things like anti-terrorism and anti-drug-smuggling efforts. Of course they could also send people as "birdwatching tourists" or "surfing tourists" or any other kind of tourists. But those supposed "tourists" wouldn't come with their own flight and surveillance equipment. :idea:

DaveSchy wrote:
Why train in a high profile area like Torrey when Pt Sal is adjacent to Vandenberg and easily isolated ?

See above. They would want to be part of a "paragliding community" to participate in foreign travel without suspicion. :shh:

DaveSchy wrote:
Why train inferior paragliding when parachute training is safer, more precise, and has a long history of success?

See above. Paragliding "tourism" would give them freedom and mobility not available by parachute. Also, the ability to actually fly (rather than just fall) would give them much greater capability - especially with powered paragliding. Also satellite images can now do the work that was once required by fly-overs. So they don't need someone taking high-altitude snap shots. They need boots on the ground with the ability to get around and ask questions. :think:

DaveSchy wrote:
I think that the city is corrupted beyond accountability and feels invincible

I believe that may also be true, but I've seen the City react (and even over-react) many times on many issues. There has been more than enough pressure applied to get some action from the City under normal circumstances. Something else is going on. :shock:

In almost all of my initial contacts with the City Council, there has been an initial interest in helping. But later (often after they get into office), they clam up and won't communicate at all on the topic. If that happened with just one Councilmember, I could understand it. But it happens again and again across the spectrum of political leanings. The only exception was Bob Filner. :thumbup:

Bob Filner had become Mayor of San Diego after a very long run (1993 to 2012) as a Congressman in Washington DC. I believe he had enough security clearances to see through whatever smoke screen was being used to muzzle the other local Councilmembers (and Mayors). :silent:

We had several meetings with Mayor Filner - including a relatively large meeting where he told us that he would fix the problem. Shortly after that meeting, a number of allegations of "misconduct" were made, and Filner was quickly driven out of office. I don't think his interest in reforming the Gliderport was the only issue behind his ousting. I think Filner saw a lot of broken things in San Diego that he planned to fix. For example, he reversed the traffic light camera scam that was making lots of money for a private company that was getting a cut of every ticket. :o

While I'm not a proponent of all of Filner's policies, I believe he was a reformer, and he stepped on enough toes to have him ousted. Too many politicians follow the "go along to get along" model to muddle their way through office. But Filner had already played in the "Big Leagues" of Washington politics for nearly 20 years. I believe he was prepared to clean house in San Diego. :salute:

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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.

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