US Hawks Hang Gliding Association

Second Sunday at Torrey - June 11, 2023
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Author:  Bob Kuczewski [ Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Second Sunday at Torrey - June 11, 2023

Second Sunday at Torrey - June 11, 2023

Here's today's forecast:

Torrey_20230611_8am.png [ 28.82 KiB | Viewed 10358 times ]

Author:  Bob Kuczewski [ Sun Jun 11, 2023 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Second Sunday at Torrey - June 11, 2023

It turned out to be a pretty good day, but not a single hang glider flew all day. I had my Condor 225 with me but couldn't fly because of the corruption at USHPA.

Author:  JoeF [ Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Second Sunday at Torrey - June 11, 2023
What is a group of hawks called?
How about a group that is the empty group?
When the group is of count one?
One day the lift zone of Torrey might be filled with soaring motor-off ultralights that arrive from elsewhere and return to elsewhere. Fill the sky. Saturate the space. Leave a spot for the concessionaire out of politeness, I guess.

an aerie of hawks
a boil of hawks
a brace of hawks
a brood of hawks
a cast of hawks
a couple of hawks
an eyass of hawks
an eyrie of hawks
an eyry of hawks
a flight of hawks
a kettle of hawks
a knot of hawks
a lease of hawks
a leash of hawks
a mews of hawks
a moulting of hawks
a nest of hawks
a pair of hawks
a stooping of hawks
a schizophrenia of hawks
a screw of hawks
a soar of hawks
a souse of hawks
a spiraling of hawks
a stream of hawks
a swarm of hawks
a swooping of hawks
a tower of hawks
a soar of US Hawks ....

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