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 Post subject: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 4:19 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:46 pm
Posts: 1621
Marteen do call Me. I have an idea, a plan of Action, that just ay unlock the Stranglehold that California Air Adventures has regarding the Torrey Pines Launch. Good By Chris McKeon 925-497-1059

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 9:00 pm 
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BobK and I communicate by carrier pigeon and then we eat the pigeons using organic spices obtained from amazon that way no government agency can trace our communication even by Vulcan mindmeld since the pigeons do not survive. The Government did uncover our communication scheme because we obtained our spices from the same amazon vendor. ... M11TG?th=1

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 11:37 pm 
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Trust Me I have a Plan or two in order for Me to get Back into the air. One plan is that latter on when it no longer Rains, and it is warmer. John Heiney will drive up here to Northern California with His North Wing T-2. I could quite possibly end up Flying His North Wing T2 of some Training Hill, or off a Sand Dune. Regardless of where I launch the Glider from. That Flight will no Question be the greatest Flight That I have ever Made. Not only that. But that Flight will be the greatest thing that I have ever done.

The other possibility for Me to Fly is that I just Might end up Flying a Sailplane over in Willams here in Northern California. I already have Two Flights Where a Flew a Two-Place Grobe Sailplane. Can You Say Performance? The one type of a Aircraft that I will not be Flying, ever. That would be a Paraglider. For there is something that a Person must have in order to Fly a Paraglider. No, it is no A high level of Pilot Proficiency, and ability. As We all know You must have Guts, and nerves of steel. I guess at Heart, I am just a Coward.

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:32 pm 
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On the contrary I have been remote viewing your thought process and you may have just dealt the death blow to Air California Adventure.
We nned a list of everyone they have banned from flying Torrey.

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:59 pm 
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I believe that I have posted the Story of My Local Bay Area Mountain. I had an encounter with one of the park Rangers. He really did not understand fully that is who I was. and Who He was, and Who really that He worked For. In reality He worked for Me. For I was part of the large group of Property-owning Tax Paying Property Owners. So, he worked for Us. His refusal to acknowledge this reality, was maddening. So yes, I can emphasize with You Guys down there in San Diego. I mean some Private Concession to be able to Make a Buck, on Public owned land. This must be a hard Deal for You Sab Diego Pilots to deal with.

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:37 pm 
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My record company cannot accept unsolicitated record tapes without an accepted broker.
But I am attempting to read your mind. But I must add Air California Adventure banned all persons from flying their site who had any commercial competition with. So the San diego city councile and RFP and RRG and USHPA is a criminal cartel and I have video evidence of the terrorism they use against us. I also can prove the larger drones are use to measure gamma radiation.

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 12:38 pm 
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:salute: :salute: :salute:

Chris wrote;
"I mean some Private Concession to be able to Make a Buck, on Public owned land. This must be a hard Deal for You Sab Diego Pilots to deal with"
Talk about coopting, which quickly started from day one at many H4 launch sites, and the outfits of the paragliders had million dollar advertising budgets talking lies and half truths which "infected" many lazy people and they were talked into joining this club, (who had stolen the hang glider name and made a paraglider company), pay your dues, sign the waivers, get your magazine full of stuff you can buy.
"it is what it is".

Being a background person of the events of what happened on the very historic Gold Hill Launch Site at the Telluride Ski Area. in about 1990, kind of like what happened at Torrey, although a state park, and other places around the world, around that time maybe, and the "flood" of people with parachutes in back packs, coming into town. I can speak to this. I was there by sheer luck as one of the plumbers on scene. It really was an "overnight" influx of these new people who when walking up to a launch site and taking a mildewed parachute out of a bag, carefully untangle it on the rocky ground, and very un athletic body position with your hands over your head, inflate the canopy and drift off in the wind pulling franticly sometimes on the break lines. Exactly the opposite of the, "Super Man" body position of HG pilots, connected directly to the C/G, hands in front on this miracle control bar. young and old.
The thing was talked about, "who are these guys really"?
When WE come to launch sites ( and it's quite the feat for the drivers and their trucks, to get from 8745' to 12,200' ) with heavy loads, (you guys at Torrey, well not so much) and with this long tube on the shoulder everybody knows exactly what we're doing, and when the glider is made ready it draws people in just to touch and feel it and sit under it, plus do a complete preflight in front of everybody, of the aircraft, and it is one of the best ever devised and tested, "Machines". We all felt the same thing kinda', when we pulled up with many surfboards or alpine skis on the racks.
Then came the greedy and lazy people who thought they could make money by talking any old person off the street, take their money and their signature, and take them on a sightseeing tour, completely strapped into a parachute by the way, and not having a clue on how to fly. this was the business model clowned thought the world, and it worked, gotta' hand it to them.

Torey Pilots and Telluride Pilots can relate first hand, to rich materialists paraglider culture, and their ability to hide what their doing.
Think of the H4 pilots ( The Telluride Airforce and their amazing "Roadies" and their Trucks ) who had been launching here since 1971, which drew pilots and spectators from around the world for 20 years, exactly like Torrey maybe except for soaring high.
One day, I say X came to the top and asked, think I could fly here? This may have been happening to all launch sites especially to the H4 ones. X flew and impressed most of the HG pilots, and was integrated into a free flight HG club, which had full insurance and backing for 20 years now. Then after a bunch of phone calls, 100's and hundreds of, "friends", came to towns everywhere.
A do over would have been Just say, "ok you guys can fly here if you present your H4 ratings instead of your P4 ticket, and let us test you in the air, otherwise take your really ugly back pack and your self aggrandizing egos out of here". Ha.
If professional pilots of single pilot Hang Gliders ban together in groups with their insurance and lawyers, they have a big pull in this new environment.


Chris McKeon wrote:
I believe that I have posted the Story of My Local Bay Area Mountain. I had an encounter with one of the park Rangers. He really did not understand fully that is who I was. and Who He was, and Who really that He worked For. In reality He worked for Me. For I was part of the large group of Property-owning Tax Paying Property Owners. So, he worked for Us. His refusal to acknowledge this reality, was maddening. So yes, I can emphasize with You Guys down there in San Diego. I mean some Private Concession to be able to Make a Buck, on Public owned land. This must be a hard Deal for You Sab Diego Pilots to deal with.

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 4:20 pm 
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Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:58 pm
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Location: The Canyons of the Ancients
:salute: :salute: :salute:

A re-post;
Starting with, "Master" John Heiney;

But talk about coopting, which quickly started from day one at many H4 launch sites, and the outfits of the paragliders had million dollar advertising budgets talking lies and half-truths which "infected" many lazy people and even some Hang Gliders, and they were talked into joining this club, or not, (who had stolen the hang glider and the TAF logo name, and made a paraglider company, and even a short music video of a "local" paraglider over Telluride, with the music backdrop of, "I'm a Hang Glider"),
pay your dues on time, sign the waivers, get your magazine full of stuff you can buy, and whatever you do, don't say anything which makes the corp. uneasy, or you will be banned.
"it is what it is".

Being a background person of the events of what happened on the very historic Gold Hill Launch Site at the Telluride Ski Area.
Coolest music video. The True Telluride Air Force.
Watch this all, you won't regret it. "THESE OLD SCHOOL GUYS SPARKED THE WORLD".

in about 1990, kind of like what happened at Torrey, although a state park, and other places around the world, around that time maybe, and the "flood" of people with parachutes in back packs, coming into town. I can speak to this. I was there by sheer luck as one of the plumbers on scene. It really was an "overnight" influx of these new people who when walking up to a launch site and taking a mildewed parachute out of a bag, carefully untangle it on the rocky ground, and very un athletic body position with your hands over your head, inflate the canopy and drift off in the wind pulling franticly sometimes on the break lines. Exactly the opposite of the, "Super Man" body position of HG pilots, connected directly to the C/G, hands in front on this miracle control bar. young and old.
The thing was talked about, "who are these guys really"?
When WE come to launch sites ( and it's quite the feat for the drivers and their trucks, to get from 8745' to 12,200' ) with heavy loads, (you guys at Torrey, well not so much) and with this long tube on the shoulder everybody knows exactly what we're doing, and when the glider is made ready it draws people in just to touch and feel it and sit under it, plus do a complete preflight in front of everybody, of the aircraft, and it is one of the best ever devised and tested, "Machines". We all felt the same thing kinda', when we pulled up with many surfboards or alpine skis on the racks.
Then came the greedy and lazy people who thought they could make money by talking any old person off the street, take their money and their signature, and take them on a sightseeing tour, completely strapped into a parachute by the way, and not having a clue on how to fly. this was the business model clowned thought the world, and it worked, gotta' hand it to them.

Torey Pilots and Telluride Pilots can relate first hand, to rich materialists paraglider culture, and their ability to hide what their doing.
Think of the H4 pilots ( The Telluride Airforce and their amazing "Roadies" and their Trucks ) who had been launching here since 1971, which drew pilots and spectators from around the world for 20 years, exactly like Torrey maybe except for soaring high.
One day, I say X came to the top and asked, think I could fly here? This may have been happening to all launch sites especially to the H4 ones. X flew and impressed most of the HG pilots, and was integrated into a free flight HG club, which had full insurance and backing for 20 years now. Then after a bunch of phone calls, 100's and hundreds of, "friends", came to towns everywhere.
A do over would have been Just say, "ok you guys can fly here if you present your H4 ratings instead of your P4 ticket, and let us test you in the air, otherwise take your really ugly back pack and your self aggrandizing egos out of here". Ha.
If professional H4 pilots of single pilot Flex Wing Hang Gliders ban together in groups or with world wide data base, with their insurance (Maybe Lloyd's) and lawyers, they have a big pull in this new environment.

:salute: :salute: :salute:

Sometimes you gotta' push the stick forward while you're lookn' at the ground

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:50 pm 
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There are reasons we fight. Another banned post from SHGA.

 Post subject: Re: Predator Pilot with a Plan.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:08 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:46 pm
Posts: 1621
Hello all, and good Tuesday Morning. ... s-AA1oFMO6

Well, I hope that any HG Pilots that are not having to work today. I hope that You are Flying Your Hang gliders. I sure do wish that I was going. I am sitting here thinking about Times when I was up in the Sky flying My: "Bird of prey", My "Bird of Prey" is My Altair Predator. My HG is called a "Bird of Prey" because when I Fly it. It is simply the rite Glider to be Flying when You are Flying in the Sky, and You want to get High. I mean this: If I were to sink out and have to do that Thing that We all hate. If I did have to land, I knew that on that Day, there was not very much in the way of Thermals.

I am so chomping at the bit to Fly My 158 Predator again. I want to because of a couple of things. Such as that now that I believe that the: "pound Diet" that I initiated on March Twenty-eight, 2010, has while I did lose plus or minus a hundred pounds, The: "Pound Diet" did all that it was able to in order for the removal of Fat. This 6'3" plus Guy is more than happy weighing just under 200 Pounds. I have weighed a couple of pounds more than 200. But never do I weigh 205 or higher. Back when I flew before I pounded. On Sunday morning the twenty-eight of March two thousand ten I weighed two hundred ninety-eight pounds.

{If} or when I fly My predator again. I will make sure that I weigh l no more than a hundred and ninety-eight pounds.

So to all those Birds of prey out there: This: "Phenix Guy" might just be in the Sky Flying with You hopefully this Year.

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