Hello U.S. Hawks Board Members
Joe Faust has been creating topics for individual pilots in the Historical Committee forum for a long time. Each pilot page is written by Joe and contains a sketch of their history and other noteworthy information. However, these Pilot pages are currently mixed with other historical topics not about specific pilots.
Joe and I spoke on the phone this evening, and Joe suggested that it might be good to separate the actual pilot topics from the rest of the Historical information. Joe and I both liked the idea of moving the new forum to the main section, so I've set up a new forum called:
U.S. Hang Gliding Pilots
At Joe's request, I've also moved some of the individual pilot topics from the historical section to the new forum. I left a link in the original location so they're in both places. I did this as a prototype, but I'd like to get approval from the Board for the change.
I move that we create a new subforum named "U.S. Hang Gliding Pilots" (within the current "U.S. Hawks Hang Gliding Association" forum) where individual pages from individual pilots can be kept. I further move that Joe Faust be given the task of directing the details of managing that forum and setting rules subject to intervention by the full Board at any time.