Ah! "Better than the gym!" has been heard for years from Joe Greblo.
The opportunity at Dockweiler has many faces. Fresh ocean air! Ups and downs in sand is a keen gifter of cardio-vascular exercise.
Kiting carried-back wing gifts blood circulation and exercise of many muscles.
Doing some Friends of Dockweiler volunteer actions at the site promise to gift exercise benefits.
Practicing wing running to train nerves and muscles for hang glider launching mastery will bring fitness blessings.
At Docweiler, one does not soar for hours with its physical challenges. Rather, flying at Dockweiler gives many launchings, many short glides, many landing efforts, and many wing returnings with climbs. All these sectors exercise mind and body. Gain strength, endurance. Advance fitness by being a hang glider operator at Dockweiler !
The special opportunity is available for the young and older participant. Trace one's performance; train methodically. Advance efforts with a prudent pace. Take measure of fatigue and strains; stay within limits that actually do give progress over weeks and months and years. Aim for improving endurance and strength and coordination. Train hearing, awareness of spatial changes, sense of wind speed, awareness of proximity of people, awareness of procedures, and more. Coordinate movements. The dance of flight operations! Advance safety in all motions.
Some key checks: hydration, protection from sun rays, fitness for intended activity, heart rate, first-aid kit, restroom visits, nutrition, rest, nap, shade, pauses, intensity watch, alertness, notice condition of others as they exert themselves, lend a hand when another invites such interface, tie-down the wing according to its need, spectator distance, ...