billcummings wrote:I still have jury duty so the best I can do is wear my US Hawks shirt.

Take another picture and we can paste you in again. This time pose like you're flying ... and we'll put you into a glider.
By the way, I also had jury duty a while back, and I have to say that I was very very impressed with the way they handled it. First off, I had to postpone it several times due to my own trial and they made that very easy. Then we only had to show up a few days (one or two?) in the morning if we didn't get picked for a case. I ended up being picked as an alternate, and so I served as if I were on the Jury, but since everyone was healthy, I was dismissed when it was time for deliberations. Of course, after hearing the case, I was curious about how my fellow jurors decided it without me. I figured I'd never know ... but then I got a courtesy call from the court informing me of the results and thanking me for my service. Pretty cool!!