Sunday Funday May 15th, 2016

Honoring the rich history and bright future of gliding at Dockweiler Beach

Re: Sunday Funday May 15th, 2016

Postby JoeF » Wed May 18, 2016 8:35 am

Some notes on May 15, 2016, Sunday Funday at Dockweiler:
1. Wade adventured with over 20 takeoffs, 20 glides, and 20 landings on a 170 something. Many lessons in those 60 experiences! Congratulations, Wade!

2. Wade walked over and examined JoeF's little wind indicator that was flying over one of the non-used launches; the device appeared to be a disallowed RC device without visible means of support. But the mechanism was explained briefly: two-anchored sky arch tumbling wing kite with the Faust-bearing method.
3. Bob Kuczewski was strongly first to fly with the first four flights of the day. He voiced a theology, best I can recall: "... it is a sin to let a hang glider stay unused at Dockweiler!" He eventually had so many takeoffs and flights and landings and carrybacks ... without enough water that some cramping set in.

4. JoeF was exploring designs for front-of-shoulders protector pads. Watching Bob and letting Bob watch JoeF's shoulders in take-off phase motions revealed that some bumping of the front shoulder joint sometimes occurs when handling and kiting the wing at preparing for takeoff. Those bumpings a few weeks prior with 20 takeoffs and 20 carrybacks in low variable winds with the Condor 330 resulted in enough bumps to the left shoulder joint for a bruising that disturbed the left rotator cuff. Underway now is a solution in plated cushion guard that should ease operations without overwork injury. A pilot having one launch in a day would not have such overwork concern.

5. Greg DeWolf instructed Wade, Jeff, and Sue; he offered pointers to Frank Colver, Joe Faust, and Bob Kuczewski.

6. Best I could guess: Bob had about 20 flights. I had 12 flights in Frank's Alpha 210; much big thanks, Frank!!! :salute: ; my first flight was the most sweet for distance. Greg noted that I'm still not consistent in the posture he recommends: pulling knees forward during main body of the glides--confusing prone with what is better for the site and harness invited Greg's note.

7. Frank Colver had a robust satisfying flight with his new Alpha 210. See the video he posted. :!: :!: :!: :salute: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

8. There is some technical coordination required for large-wheel landing downslope on sandy slope. Frank has carefully examined the physics involved and discussed the matter with several of us. He had been with thoughts about the operation. Well, Sunday was the day Frank earned his sandy downslope large-wheel landing "rating" peer-reviewed. Swing-through is not wanted; getting the wheels rolling with aft-CG respecting wind followed by some easing brought a good landing; see his video. Congratulations. Frank expressed satisfaction about the experience. No whack.

9. Two different gliders: a lower control frame assembly bolt-nut-clip: a part was dropped into the sand. This invited JoeF and Frank to discuss possible no-loss tactics. The thought came: How tether bolt, nut, clip to frame? Twisting the nut invited the thought of a slip ring or equivalent. There are solutions; someone will be showing (or maybe has) a no-loss tethering of the parts.

10. Frank, Bob, and Joe ate at Beach Mex in El Segundo. Otto celebration was a large part of the conversation. Thanks, Frank, for the meal! We look for a time for presenting meal to you.

11. Jeff and Sue operated a Windsports asset WW Alpha 210; Jeff expressed that he will probably be getting his own Alpha 210.

12. Word came out that Mike Meier of WW will examine soon the newly re-sailed Condor 330 for a sail-denting and "speed" challenge. Perhaps at the Otto Meet?

13. Beach LZ was very clear of beachgoers. Sky was mild. Sunset great. Wind peaked at 10 mph for 10 minutes; the forecast of 14 mph did not happen; no slope soaring.

14. Friends of D.G.S. used shovels and rake to groom the slope in anticipation of Otto's birthday celebration (on eve) next Sunday.

15. In far south view was one kiteboarder's large canopy flying. North view were some recreational long-line kites staying hopefully below the 60' AGL requirement; actually, I bet those north kites were breaking FAA regulations being within 5 miles of LAX. A breakaway wing, even small, could disturb powered aircraft.

16. Six of us thanked Greg for his graceful many helps. Jeff, Sue, Wade, Frank, JoeF, Bob.

17. Easily over the hours: guesstimate of 100 cyclists stopped and watched the fun flying. Many had direct questions fielded by the many of us.

18. US Hawks shirts were worn by two of the six during the day.

19. US Hawks via two of its members had extended some expense support to assure that hang gliding's first official historian Neil Larson will arrive from Florida for about a week's stay centered about the Otto celebration Sunday at Dockweiler; Neil will be obtaining photographs of many, interviewing some, etc. As a teen he looked on at the first Otto Meet. Sunday after our flying, Bob called Neil (in Florida) and received confirmation that Neil will be arriving on May 19, 2016. Great! Neil is an artist in many sectors. His surfer roots at Dockweiler (to him "D&W) go way back. His youth included many visits to Dockweiler.

20. JoeF brought a large duffle bag filled with stuff as he continues practicing the pack that will one day hold a 5-ft packed framed hang glider to and from the Dockweiler site. HG Xv3 is underway. Slow but sure.

21. On aft keel top of Alpha 210 are two shiny knobs; the most aft knob is the press-knob; press that most-aft knob to cause retraction of the near forward knob; the forward knob is a keeper that keeps rigging terminal in place during flight. Do not press the forward of the two knobs; just press the most aft knob to gain access to the rigging terminals.
Last edited by JoeF on Wed May 18, 2016 10:03 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Sunday Funday May 15th, 2016

Postby Frank Colver » Wed May 18, 2016 9:38 am

Thanks Joe for that great and detailed report on another "Sunday Funday" at Dockweiler Beach. A good time was had by all :!: :clap:

Link to the video Joe mentions:

Also read my comments on the Vimeo page (below the video).

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Frank Colver
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