Hey, I was there in spirit --- but no I'll wait until I can pour sand out of my sneakers after a flight in keeping with my no BS log book.
I always round down to the next minute of flight.
The GPS and Flytec never agree on altitude so at best I only take the average or lowest altitude to record in the log book.
I always round down to the nearest foot on bulls eyes.
The reason for this is that years back two different pilots that I was about to tow up lead me to believe they had much experience with hang gliding. ("How many flights? Oh, I'd have to check my log book. I just couldn't say right now.")
One pilot had a very safe climb up and release but was so scared that he didn't want to go again. The other pilot forgot to release, locked out and nose dived into the lake from two hundred feet. Both pilots were okay but the person that learned the most that day was me!
Neither pilot lied to me but by extravagantly puffing or omission I'd been lead down the wrong path.
This was back in the day when USHGA resisted embracing tow flight.