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PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:43 am
by JoeF
Yes, the waters at Dockweiler Hang Gliding Center ...
What waters?

  • Perspiration. Does it drip with sunscreen into one's eyes?
  • Drinking waters. Did we bring enough? North building: drinking tap water? Restroom water? Is there a shower at that building? Could Windsports sell drinking water?
  • Relief waters? Restroom to the north and to the south! Could Friends help toward a relief station near the hang gliding center? How to go? The future go of the Hang Glider Flight Training Center? Are instruction sessions interrupted with pain? One does not want physical fullness at stressful parts of hang gliding activity.
  • First-aid water? Eye-cleaning water?
  • Ocean's salty water? Wet things. Buckets of water? Kiteboarding? Swimming pauses between hang gliding sessions? Off-shore Santa Ana winds and kiting? Fishing (via permits)? Sailing?
  • Wet-sand wing running?
  • Ballast waters and
  • Water dropping to target?
  • Water for car radiators?
  • Water for the plants on the slope?
  • Potted plants and water for them?
  • Water in the sand just below the top dry sand?
  • Water joined in kiting experiments?
  • Solar-distilled water?
  • Cooling misting water?
  • ???