See article: ... ng-gliders
Hang Gliders Look to Soar Again at Dockweiler Beach
August 19, 1989|DEAN MURPHY | Times Staff Writer
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Persons named in the article: Joe Greblo, Deane Dana, Susan Wagner, Ruth Galanter, Wright Brothers, Dean Murlphy
We have a trek of a good distance to pee yet. If one aims to stay well hydrated and actually well hydrates while training in hang gliding flight, then the distance to the closest legal toilet is significant. No one is yet selling but hang gliding instruction near the Hang Gliding Flight Training Park office.
There is hint that open free hang gliding was closed because of a parking challenge and safety-car-street-parking challenge. After the new constructions were completed, the site added a concessionaire Windsports. ????????????????????????????????????
Revenue from the new parking lot and food concession combined with solving other car parking challenges covers some of the beach expenses. Surfing, kiteboarding, swimming, running, swimming, sand playing, kite flying, and hang gliding are recreation activities on the public beach. Windsports has provided a super deal in its manner of service to hang gliding; super!