Honoring the rich history and bright future of gliding at Dockweiler Beach


Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:50 pm

I got this in my email today:

WindSports wrote:From: Windsports Hang Gliding <>
Date: 8/18/22 5:03 PM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: 225 Flight Record

Hello to all our Dreamers!

Josh successfully broke the flight record at Dockweiler State Beach on Saturday, August 13th. We had an awesome showing of support, and appreciate everyone who came down to fly and cheer him on!

Josh flew down the dune and carried his glider back up 225 times in one day! He was thoroughly exhausted but had a huge smile throughout the whole experience.

Now to finish off an awesome flying summer we have an end of Summer Sale!
Use Promo Code Summer2022 to receive $22 off any hang gliding experience.
We only have a few open slots left this weekend to fly!

Good Job Josh!!

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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Bob Kuczewski
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Aug 19, 2022 12:13 am

Here's the post on the Sylmar forum:

joshlaufer wrote:
Joe Faust wrote:Data with counts, times, commentary
on the new world record at Dockweiler

Congratulations to Andy and Josh

Together: more than 327 takeoffs, 327 flights, 327 landings, 327 carrybacks upslope.
Many spectators saw some of the over 1,308 interesting HG actions at Dockweiler in one day.

The WHGA recognizes 201 as the count for Joshua's world record at Dockweiler.

New Flight Record! 225 Flights! Sunday August 13th, 2022

Well, it was an eventful/challenging day at Dockweiler State Beach. Sunny skies, 80-degree heat, winds SW-WSW 2-9 mph. Winds hung around 3-5 most of the day.

We showed up to the beach at 845am to find a massive line to the parking lot entrance. A Youth Soccer competition was being held at the base of the dune and the entire parking was nearly full by 10 am. There were numerous games being held simultaneously along the base of the dunes with lots of spectators covering the beach with shade structures and umbrellas. We were just able to slice out a landing zone for me in front of the main SW dune. Andy had to teach his class on the lower back hills closer to the highway.

I started flying at 9:30 am and flew and carried at a pace of about 25 trips per hour. Took a few breaks that added up to about an hour. The wind was only strong enough to float the glider on my shoulders on launch a handful of times. The wind was never strong enough to kite the glider up the hill, I had to carry the glider after every flight. I flew the Falcon 195 for a few flights in the morning then moved to the 170 for the rest of the day. I had to run hard or even sprint to launch most of the day. When the wind turned more westerly I had to fly through the rotor from the shade structures nearby and had to pause due to spectators crossing the lz. We had flags outlining the LZ but they were often ignored.

I ate a couple of massive sandwiches, a few bananas, some power bars and drank endless amounts of water and sports drinks. I could never quite get enough liquid into my body, we joked that I should fly with an IV... I would actually consider it. I was so drenched in sweat that it was hard to carry the glider up the hill due to slippage. Luckily I borrowed some gloves from one of our flight trackers Matt.

I finally finished at 7:36 pm flying into the sunset for the last few rounds. I was honored by the massive support I received the entire day. SHGA Pilots, Windsprts Crew/Students/Friends/Alumni, and even Jonny Durand from Moyes were in town and stayed till the end to cheer me on. Even though they had to fight for parking we had a great showing of friends to help set this record. I heard some others tried to come down but couldn't find anywhere to park, thank you so much for trying.

Huge Shoutout to my flight trackers for the day! Matt Barlow SHGA H2, Tori Pollock Windsports Driver, and Tim Tester SHGA H2. A big Thank You to Erika Klein for taking amazing pictures all day. Also want to thank the Windsports Friends and Crew for getting me anything I needed, water, food, or even a few semi-insulting jabs to get me going again. I could not have done it without you.

Post record recovery: On Sunday (8-14) I was so tired I was worried I may have gotten sick, and spent most of the day in bed. Luckily it was just thorough exhaustion. Today (Monday 8-15), feel better and went to see my Chiropractor, he was happy for my record but displeased with me about the strain it puts on my back. Going to spend a few hours in the hot tub tonight with a cold beer. The worst part is the gnarly blisters I grew on my big toes, they make it hard to walk.

Although it was an extremely difficult day and I came away battered, bruised, blistered, sore, and exhausted I would do it again. I may try to take it up a notch next summer near the solstice. I would start earlier and stay later, hopefully with more wind and less heat. I am confident I could hit 250 or even higher with the right conditions. :wink:
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Fri Aug 19, 2022 1:21 pm

I do not know the Site. I have no Mental image of the Site. But I believe that it is an Beach site. So I wonder if on a Day when the prevailing Wind ias Blowing Straight in at a Littler more than Twenty Miles an Hour. Couldn't a Pilot use that prevailing Wind to be able to ridge Soat off even if there is only a Small Sand Berm. Could a Pilot be able to work the lift so as to get back up on top of the berm. Traverse the Berm . Making Passe's up yhr Ridge, turn around. Them Turn a 190 Degree Turn Proceed back from where He or She Made the First Burm. Thwen on a pass where the Pilot has enough Altitude, Do a Top-lading on the Spot from where He or She had launched?

This sounds like fun to Me.
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:49 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:Couldn't a Pilot use that prevailing Wind to be able to ridge Soar?

Do you mean like this?

Or like this?

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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Sun Aug 21, 2022 3:34 pm

What I do not understand is; if you guys simply want to crank off a large number of flight cycles. i don't see why you simply pick a day that has a firm on-Shoar wind. you could launch from up on top of the Berm, Make pass or two. Land back on top, flight done. then one could walk forward into the prevailing soarable Wind. And So-On, And So-On, Etcetera. So i do not understand why You Guys write about landing out in Front, Then Packing Your Glider back up the Berm HUNDREDS OF TIMES. why?
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Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:29 pm

Chris McKeon wrote:What I do not understand is; if you guys simply want to crank off a large number of flight cycles. i don't see why you simply pick a day that has a firm on-Shoar wind. you could launch from up on top of the Berm, Make pass or two. Land back on top, flight done. then one could walk forward into the prevailing soarable Wind. And So-On, And So-On, Etcetera. So i do not understand why You Guys write about landing out in Front, Then Packing Your Glider back up the Berm HUNDREDS OF TIMES. why?

Well ... there are many different records that could be established at a site like Dockweiler:

  • Highest flight
  • Longest distance covered
  • Longest time in the air
  • Most flights of any length
  • Most flights without carries
  • Closest to the ocean
  • Etc.

But some of those records can be hard to measure. For example, most flights of any length could become simply jumping up and down on a windy day. Is each one a flight? That would become a bit silly.

So the convention for a "flight" is a launch from the top and a landing on the bottom. Yes, that requires a carry back, and that's part of the challenge.

On my record day, I did enjoy a number of soaring flights. You can see them diagrammed by Joe Faust in the official record here:

Joes_Notes.png (1.19 MiB) Viewed 2311 times

You can see a bunch of soaring flights numbered 131 to 160 in Joe's record. All those soaring flights cost me quite a bit of time ... but I couldn't resist.   :)

As you can tell by Josh's description, doing a couple hundred flights (and carries) in a day is pretty brutal. But that's also what makes it rewarding.
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Every human at every point in history has an opportunity to choose courage over cowardice. Look around and you will find that opportunity in your own time.
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Postby Chris McKeon » Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:06 am

Well I have talked to Bob about how I want to head om down some Day with My Predator, Note; I simply just plain Love My 158 Predator. I want to try to be able to Launch from each of Your inland Sites, yes to do this one would need to Launch from one site, sa Palamar. Yhrn Fly to another Site say that site would Be Palamar. Top-Land Palamar, Re Launch Palamar, Then head over to one of the other sites, say Black Mountain. Top-Land Black Mountain, Re-Launch from Black Mountain, and So on, do this until You had done this Land Re-Launch from every Site. The way I see it, the only way to be able to Launch from every site down there in San Diego in one Day would be to do it as I described; Launch Your First Launch of the Day. Fly to another site, land. Tr-Launch, head over to another Site, land. Then repeat the Process, over and over until You had done this launch, Fly XS. XS means Cross Site.

This sounds ;ike it would be a great fun thing to do.

I then want to earn My XO rating, By flying from Docweiler to Catalina Island and back. Then John will be able to sign Me off cor My XO, Cross-Ocean rating. But currently My next Aviation adventure will be as soon as Pilot X's Back is feeling better, I will have My First Flight, Flying a Condor. Then I will Fly John's T-Two, Then My Predator, after John has performed a through IRAN on it.
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