Date - Wednesday June 28th, 2017
Before going out to a local small hill to attempt flying, Bob and I drove up to Mossy Bank Park. Both he and I wanted him to see first hand what the hill and launch site looked like.
For those of you not local to this area, Mossy Bank is a village park here in Bath, NY. The overall hill is a mere 500' AGL with launch even lower at 410'. But I've experienced some great flights there. One flight in particular involved a thermal that took me up to over 7,000' AGL after first sinking out to only 300' over the LZ!
Here's a picture of Bob and me (and Max the dog) at the somewhat overgrown launch at Mossy Bank Park -
Thumbs Up at Mossy!
BTW - It was a beautiful day for flying but since Mossy faces north and the wind was W-SW we could only appreciate the view.