Hello Everyone,
I didn'y fly today but not because the wind wasn't good. First off I had to do some work on my glider rack. Until that was done how do you carry a glider to go flying? But beyond that I also wanted to do some launch maintenance before I flew. That required that I load up my field and brush mower (that required that I prep my small trailer to carry the mower.
All in all, I did get up to launch and started with mowing. At the same time, I observed that the wind was very nice for soaring, and probably thermaling! But having my base tube drag through tall grass - and maybe interfere with a good launch - seemed to be something I wanted to avoid. So mow I did!
Besides launch, the land owner has a small cabin next to the lower launch (the other launch is higher! [obviously]) and that, as well, had un-mowed tall grass in it's front yard. So I decided that I would fix that situation as well. When done mowing it was too late to set up the glider since the wind had slowed somewhat and the sky had become overcast. I didn't need another sledder (with almost no "sky scribbling" involved

I did get some photos of my mowing efforts which you will see below -

- Mowing not done yet

- Set up area done!

- Lower Launch is Done!

- Looking Good!
BTW - The cabin can be rented short term for anyone who may like the idea of living right next to a launch site. It's also good for hunting in the fall! It's also a very peaceful place to hang out (when guys with loud mowers aren't within a hundred yards

) Let me know if you'd like more info about that.
I also mowed part of the upper launch. But I didn't take any photos up there.