Thank you to the pilots who have...

Forum for Lakeveiw Hawks Hang Gliding Club - Lakeview, Oregon

Thank you to the pilots who have...

Postby redsagebear » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:42 am

Hello everyone. :wave: I want to say thank you to the pilots who have supported me and shown me how to further my path in my new future sport of hanggliding. I am preparing for the spring and hope to learn more next summer when ya'll come back. This winter is coming on fast and I plan on doing a lot of hang gliding videos...hey now, it's a start! :!:
I was away for a couple weeks due to more memorials. I am home now and it feels like we are truley hurting for a proper, uniformed club, but alas, we are just a gutter garage gang. FOR NOW!!!
I have to invite and entice our local Lakeview pilots....If any of you see this and would like to go out to coffee or go sit on black cap for a cup of coffee, I would like that very much. I know my club idea is not very well known yet, and thats the beauty. I am still in the state of amazment. I sieze the opporotunity to learn this sport in anyway I can. It doesnt have to make sense to you if it makes sense to me. Thats a promise. Sara Martin Peace guys, be safe always and how do you get a hang 2 again? :D
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Re: Thank you to the pilots who have...

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:34 am

Dear Sara,

You have just demonstrated the most important skills in being a hang gliding club president. You are thankful, thoughtful, hopeful, polite, open, and inspired. You know that your road will require patience, but you will not allow your patience to lapse into neglect. Your slow and steady pursuit of your goals in hang gliding (and in life) will give you the best chance of success everywhere. Good for you!!

I'm happy to be a member of your club, and I invite all US Hawks members to join Sara's Lakeview Hawks to support her goal of having a real hang gliding club in Lakeview Oregon.

Bob Kuczewski
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Re: Thank you to the pilots who have...

Postby redsagebear » Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:20 am

Good morning! I am winterizing. We should have snow soon! We are looking for hanggliding magazines. If there are some we can start with, I think they will help! This winter will give me some time to put the club together more and get some gear. wrote back to my email and said they can't help me log on? So I still can't see the picture (?) of me that was posted by Mark. I plan on posting a picture as well. I was hoping there wouldnt be any. Is that legal? I didn't want that at all. Anyways, I want you all to see a nice photo of me. Please please have patience with me. And Bob, thank you Bob. You are indepensable! You are awesome for your hard work and help with this dream I had to share. Take care when you take to the air, Sara
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