Sweet and Low

Forum for Lakeveiw Hawks Hang Gliding Club - Lakeview, Oregon

Sweet and Low

Postby InMemoryOfSara » Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:10 am

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The new landowner has requested no landings on his property. If you feel conditions will not get you up and over the back DO NOT LAUNCH.

Please honor this request by the landowner as it could also help in any possible future negotiations.

This is the "lower Sugar" launch. This launch has been mainly used for evening "Glass Off" flights in recent history.

Our experience of trying to fly Sweet and Low midday because Sugar was blown out have not been good, It is usually as windy and you have to stay tight to the ridge and avoid a venturi at first to get up. The main problem we have found with midday flying is the LZ.

The field immediately below the launch is OFF LIMITS . The landowner becomes quite irate if he finds anybody in his field and he lives right across from it. To make the regular Bail Out LZ (if not climbing) from this launch midday is a crap shoot at best.

We have a lot of experience flying Sweet and Low in evening conditions and we have made the regular Bail Out LZ on intermediate gliders leaving just below S&L launch a few times. Many of our evening flights end in Lakeview at sunset.

Sweet and Low Launch

  • Altitude: 5613 ft
  • Latitude: 41.8262°
  • Longitude: -120.346°
  • Wind Direction: From 245° to 280°

Directions: From North turn east on Forest Road 30 in approx 2 1/2 miles turn right at "4 corners" onto FR 47N05 in approx 2 miles turn left on FR 47N32 after approx 1/2 mile turn right on hard to see dirt track, Follow track to launch. From South turn east on CR 133C/FR 47N05 In approx 3 miles turn right on FR 47N32 after approx 1/2 mile turn right on hard to see dirt track, Follow track to launch.

Sweet and Low launch has been used in recent years primarily as a "Glass Off" launch. Launches are flat slope and grassy (usually windy) and you can clearly see the Bail Out LZ and the OFF LIMITS LZ"s from launch. When Sugar is blown out midday then usually S&L launch is also blown out. Launching here midday risks NOT making the regular bail out LZ. The field/s directly below launch are OFF LIMITS and landing there will likely get you an earful of abuse and unpleasantness from the owner who lives close by as well as jeopardizing the site and causing ill will. PLEASE LAND ONLY IN THE REGULAR BAIL OUT LZ IF LANDING IN FRONT OF LAUNCH.

Sugar and Sweet and Low Bailout - LZ
This is the ONLY field available as a bail out all other fields close to this one are off limits.There is usually a windsock next to the gate. This field slopes down slightly towards the lake. There are some fence posts in the field from an old electric fence. The ones nearest to the breakdown area (gate) should have streamers on them to mark them and show wind direction.

Do NOT land here. Hostile landowner lives on site.

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