The new landowner has requested no landings on his property. If you feel conditions will not get you up and over the back DO NOT LAUNCH.
Please honor this request by the landowner as it could also help in any possible future negotiations.
Sugar is one of the most famous and most used sites in the area. Launches face SW and in summer conditions can get very strong on launch after midday.
A lot of XC flights are made from Sugar. Flights to the NE and E can take you over very remote country with few roads and services (Gas, Food, Water) It is a good idea for both pilots and drivers to plan well and to stock up on supplies, and have a contingency plan in the event of unplanned circumstances. The N XC route does provide slightly better roads but good planning is still a good idea.
Sugar can be quite rowdy midday and strong winds can sometimes take thermals faster over the back than they climb. On windy days it is a good idea to make sure that if you leave a thermal behind the peak with the intention of making it back in front of Sugar that you have the penetration, glide and altitude to make it.
The Road to launch is a good 2WD dirt road. The last stretch of road to the lookout and the bathrooms were improved in 2002. The main launch is directly to the left of the road as you clear the trees. It is a cleared dirt ramp and is suitable for both PG and HG.
The Bail Out LZ can be seen from launch and is the ONLY field at the base of the mountain to be used as an LZ
Sugar Hill Launch
- Altitude: 7200 ft
- Latitude: 41.8064°
- Longitude: -120.329°
- Wind Direction: From 225° to 270°
Directions: Turn east from Hwy 395 on Forest Road 30 Approx 7miles South of New Pine Creek and 11 miles North of Davis Creek. Approx 5 1/2 miles turn right on FR 46N06 passing Lassen Creek camp ground continue approx 4 miles turn right to Sugar Hill LO approx 2 miles and you are at launch. Roads are good dirt.
Sugar Hill Main Launch is a moderately sloped dirt ramp suitable for both HG and PG. Mid Summer launch can get windy after midday and can "blown out".
Sweet and Low and Sugar Bailout - LZ
This is the ONLY field available as a bail out all other fields close to this one are off limits.There is usually a windsock next to the gate. This field slopes down slightly towards the lake. There are some fence posts in the field from an old electric fence. The ones nearest to the breakdown area (gate) should have streamers on them to mark them and show wind direction.
Do NOT land here. Hostile landowner lives on site.