Doherty Slide

Forum for Lakeveiw Hawks Hang Gliding Club - Lakeview, Oregon

Doherty Slide

Postby InMemoryOfSara » Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:14 am

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Doherty Slide is approx 45 miles east of Lakeview. Pilots used to launch from roadside pullouts until the BLM made a custom launch and parking area for us. Daytime conditions can be very strong here and launching midday can be challenging, Glass Offs here are spectacular with miles of ridge to fly.

Launch and Landing

  • Altitude: 5995 ft
  • Latitude: 42.0194°
  • Longitude: -119.487°
  • Wind Direction: From 260° to 300°

Directions: From Lakeview Go 2½ miles north on Highway 395, and turn right on Highway 140. Take Highway 140 east. Proceed approx 60 miles to Doherty slide launch. You will see Doherty slide ahead as the road climbs the ridge. At the top there is a marked turn off that goes to the Launch.

Doherty Slide Launch is custom made courtesy of the BLM. It is a cliff launch.

Doherty Slide - LZ
This is a popular place to land and is a wide open area with no sage and good road. It is possible to land directly below launch in smaller clearings in sage brush.

Doherty Slide Top - LZ
Top Landing Zone

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