Black Cap

Forum for Lakeveiw Hawks Hang Gliding Club - Lakeview, Oregon

Black Cap

Postby InMemoryOfSara » Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:14 am

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Black Cap is the launch just above Lakeview town. It is moderately sloped dirt and suitable for HG and PG. It is a popular launch for paragliders and the PG nationals have been held here.

This launch has been improved a lot over the years and since my first launch there in 1989 the direction that one can launch safely has been opened up to a wider range thanks to the help of the local Chamber of Commerce.

This is the launch used for the spot landing competition for the Chamber's Umpteenth Annual fly in every July 4th. Many XC flights have been made from here and the Glass Offs to be had here are great. Its proximity to town makes this popular with pilots staying in Lakeview.

Black Cap Launch

  • Altitude: 6286 ft
  • Latitude: 42.2044°
  • Longitude: -120.33°
  • Wind Direction: From 180° to 305°

Directions: Follow "Hang Glider Launch" sign on Lakeview Main Street It takes you up center street past the swimming pool keep following signs.

Improved dirt ramp/s. This launch has been improved a lot over the years and since my first launch there in 1989 the direction that one can launch safely has been opened up to a wider range thanks to the help of the local Chamber of Commerce.

Hunters - LZ
Hunters is a flat field with a resident windsock at the corner of the lake. "Old Faithful" the geyser that erupts every 90 seconds on the lake next to the resort is also a great wind indicator.

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