Congratulations Sara!!!

Forum for Lakeveiw Hawks Hang Gliding Club - Lakeview, Oregon

Congratulations Sara!!!

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:23 am

Congratulations Sara!!!

I just checked the USHPA web site and you're now an official USHPA member!!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Now we've got to figure out how to get you an instructor and some training materials. We've been talking about putting together a training manual, so I think it's time to get started. That will give you something to read and something to work on during the Lakeview winter. Just remember to keep your feet on the ground until you find an instructor to help you. Many many ... too many ... new pilots have been killed or injured trying to teach themselves. So please don't try any flying without an instructor. But there's nothing wrong with reading and helping us with the manual. :thumbup:

In particular, I think you could be a big help just by asking questions. After people have been in the sport for a while, they often forget the questions that they had in the beginning. So please post any questions you have or any questions you think other new pilots might have while they're fresh in your mind. I think this will be a fun project, and I look forward to contributions from everyone on the forum.

I've started a new topic under "Building the US Hawks" to begin the project, and I hope you'll post any comments or questions there. Thanks!!
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Bob Kuczewski
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Location: San Diego, CA

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