Sara AKA redsagebear

Forum for Lakeveiw Hawks Hang Gliding Club - Lakeview, Oregon

Picking on Sara

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:43 am

"Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."

I've met Sara several times, and she's always been polite and courteous to me. We've spoken on the phone many times, and I've also found her to be polite and intelligent.

I don't remember if I've met Sara's mother, but I've spoken with her on the phone several times. In all cases she seemed very polite and very intelligent.

Regarding Sara's past and all the other allegations, I have no knowledge of any of that. But here's what I do know...

I was in Lakeview when Sara flew one of her tandem flights with David Beardslee. Sara loved it and clearly wanted to learn to fly herself. She was also in the landing zone when I landed my Falcon, so I asked her if she'd like to lift it and run with it. She eagerly accepted and took a run. That's about as much as most people ever do. But Sara wasn't done and asked to run with it again ... and again ... and again. That's the first sign of a real pilot, and in my opinion, she would really love to learn to fly and to be a part of our sport. When I suggested a local club, she was the first one to speak up with enthusiasm, and she volunteered to do whatever she could to help. I suggested that her enthusiasm would be great for the club's first president - which she accepted. It's a shame that the Lakeview "insiders" haven't embraced her and welcomed her into our sport.

But beyond the scope of a hang gliding club, I see an ugly sickness in the postings and attitudes above. Whether Sara is perfect or not, I see a chance to help her grow and become a more positive asset to the little town of Lakeview. But rather than trying to nurture Sara and help her grow, all I see is a bunch of hate directed at her during this most cherished of Christian seasons. Shame on everyone who's posted these nasty comments. You should take a good look in the mirror and decide what kind of human beings you are and what kind of human beings you want to become.

I hope that some of you will make the right decision to try to help Sara grow the club and grow herself. That's the high road and I'll appreciate anyone who takes it.

Bob Kuczewski
December 29th, 2010
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Re: Picking on Sara

Postby rachel8956 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:26 pm

Bob you must not live around Lakeview enough to see the whole picture of Sarah. You talk about judging and being hypocritical you never seen Katy in action in Lakeview. This woman has judged single moms trying to make it on there own she called them white trash. This woman has went into the coffee shop and attacked a woman for her political opinion and slandered her around town. So just because she don’t agree with a person does that give Katy the right to do that. Katy has slandered a local restaurant because she didn’t agree with them politically and lied and said there food they cook is cooked in nasty conditions. She went and put that in the paper here in Lakeview. Katy is trash and no one in Lakeview likes her at all. Now for her daughter Sarah and you bobk don’t know the whole story of her. This town has stepped up to help her so many times and so did local churches. When we helped her and gave her the benefit of the doubt she stabbed ever one of us in the back. She would flip out and get physically violent on us she would steal from us and she would lie on us. Bob we tried with Sarah and we did all we can do for her. Sarah burn all her bridges in Lakeview to were no one will trust her and can help her over it. Her mom Katy is to blame for all her issues I believe and Sarah was raised wrong. I don’t know your issue with Mark Webber take in mind we don’t all like him also he is a grumpy old man. But we all know Sarah and we know she is dangerous and mental insane and not to be trusted. Sorry bob I think are town and the people have a right to make this decision on her.
Sarah has spit in the face literally on people trying to help her when she drunk and take her home safely. Sarah has attacked people for no reason on the streets. One of are police officers tryed to help and take her home when she was drunk she spit in his face and hit him. So he sent her a** to jail were she needed to be. Bob we tried with her and we are not judgmental people tell we give all people the benefit of the doubt. As far as her being intelligent I disagree with you all the way. The way she lives her life and being the way she is disqualifies her for being intelligent. Sorry bob that don’t work. I think you just don’t know this girl and being that you don’t see her for who she is. I think your hang gliding club would be a wonderful thing here in Lakeview and I support you. But I wont let my kid go to a club Sarah is in charge of. Sarah has had issues with child abuse. Maybe this club is not kicking off over the issue of Sarah maybe if Sarah was not in it you will get outstanding support. Think of it bob and please think hard.
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Re: Picking on Sara

Postby mary947 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:19 pm

Rachel I agree with you one hundred percent and so does a lot of people. Bob why don’t you back ground check Sarah you might be shocked what you find. She been in the state hospital many times and she is violent and dangerous and capable of doing harm. So bob Sarah is your vice president of the Lakeview hawks I notice or at least you want her to be. I don’t want my kids to be in a club Sarah Martin is president of and I will boycott your club in Lakeview along with hundreds of us in town if she is. The reason bob is if children are going to be in this club we don’t want are kids in it for safety reason over Sarah. Sarah has had child abuse issues and is not capable of being around children. Bob she had 2 kids before she got one took away over child abuse. So if your trying to get kids in the Lakeview Hawks bob you will have a war in Lakeview if Sarah is getting this gig going. If you want to get this club going without Sarah and no Sarah at all involved you will have are support all the way and Lakeview will back you and support it. Why don’t you think of this one for a while. Maybe the future of the Lakeview Hawks is determined on getting rid of Sarah.
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby cristasosa » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:37 pm

I agree with you all Mary and Bob and Hana and Rachel being we all know in Lakeview Sarah’s renown reputation. I personally think her mom is a cunt all the way also I cant stand Katy. We were in Adel on ranch property doing slash burning of sage brush. Katy drives up in her dam pick up and threatens us with legal action for burning on are own land. She says were are causing air pollution and aiding to global warming. She is a wacko environmentalist and she has a radical bunch of environmental friends she hangs with in Cedarville. She has threaten to shut down local mills in Lakeview like collins company and also threatens loggers in Lakeview. She has a whacked out belief in the earth and she is just insane about it. What makes me mad at her is this. We all work for a living and we work hard and are livelihoods depend on the mill and the other companies Katie wants to shut down. That cunt lives off her dead daddies money and Sarah lives off the government for being a retard so they don’t know the value of hard work. I would like to see them bitches get a job and work like a dog. Every thing the other people said about her is true and I agree with them.
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby cristasosa » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:43 pm

Bob your going to by surprised how many people are going to protest your Lakeview Hawks if Sarah is the vice president. You may think its ok in California that Sarah is president of your club. But here in Lakeview were the opinion counts the most we don’t want a club were possibly children will be a member of with Sarah running it. I almost jumped my seat when I seen Sarah in the newspaper promoting a club. Bob you are going to have a war in Lakeview if you don’t ditch her. I will get the county to shut your club down over having a risk to kids see Sarah cant be around children and there is legal issues over that.
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby hanahadley92 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:37 pm

Bob and everyone on here check this out
Lakeview Police Dept. Report
This is taken from the Lakeview examiner check it out for your self if you don’t believe me

Sunday, Dec. 26 — At 6 p.m., Lakeview Police were contacted regarding a suspicious circumstance in the rear parking lot of the Lake County Senior Center. Subsequently, Sara Martin was contacted and placed under arrest for violating her probation conditions.

Sarah was doing her violent crazy gig again like she always does stupid girl. So bob want her on hang glider I would think twice. Does any one know if she is still in jail? I know the person who called the police on her and trust me she deserved it. I keep that person confidential for there safety because Sarah is crazy.
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby bobmiles20 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:26 pm

This message is to bobk
You said "Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone."
Hmm bob did we say we are perfect and not with out sin? NO. We do know Sarah and we have a right to talk about it. Maybe you should stop casting stones on people like Mark Webber if you live by that modo in life. I don’t Mr Webber personally other than from your rants and raves on him.
You said this bob also I've met Sara several times, and she's always been polite and courteous to me. We've spoken on the phone many times, and I've also found her to be polite and intelligent. Hmmmm polite and courteous you say. I remember her in Safeway screaming at the checker because the checker refused her buying alcohol. That don’t sound polite and courteous to me bob. I remember her calling the woman at the activity center a bitch and screaming at her. I remember her in the library yelling out loud and belligerent when people are reading. Hmm and maybe if she was polite she would cover her stench and body odor for we don’t have to smell it.
As far as intelligent if she was why is she getting a retard check every month for being crazy and not holding a job a intelligent woman would have? Why don’t she use that intelligent to take a bath and shave her arm pit hairs. Intelligent people don’t spit in the cops face and run around Lakeview all drunk and out of control. Bob you don’t know her man.
You said this also after you and people took her flying That's the first sign of a real pilot, and in my opinion, she would really love to learn to fly and to be a part of our sport.
No its not the sign of a pilot it’s a girl wanting a free ride on your hang glider. So bob maybe you get a little from her? Please bob don’t screw that girl she f***ed a lot of men in Lakeview some pretty nasty ones also. Any man that would fu** her is ether hard up or drunk or cant get any from normal people.
You said this bob also I see a chance to help her grow and become a more positive asset to the little town of Lakeview. But rather than trying to nurture Sara and help her grow, all I see is a bunch of hate directed at her during this most cherished of Christian seasons. So bob your saying Sarah don’t have accountability for her own actions and we all in Lakeview have not helped her? Your wrong all the way bobk.
Please bob come and take Sarah out of Lakeview from us unnurtureing and hateful people PLEASE. She needs to be with you bob and you can show us away from Lakeview with Sarah and I mean far away with Sarah that you nurture her and help her grow and be a positive asset. Please bob take her away we are just horrible to Sarah PLEASE.
You also said this I hope that some of you will make the right decision to try to help Sara grow the club and grow herself. That's the high road and I'll appreciate anyone who takes it.
Bob we cant do that that’s why you need to take Sarah away and help her grow in San Diego California. Bob Please take away Sarah we are just not good enough for her she needs you. Bob Sarah needs your love and not Lakeview were we want sanity and peace not a insane burden to are community. GEESH
Bob Sarah Needs a man like you :thumbup:
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby mary947 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:45 pm

Please also take Katy away also she needs you and your love and nurturing. Please get sarah out of are town Lakeview she is nothing but a burden and we dont want her.
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:23 pm

I do my best to hear all sides, and I'd like to talk with everyone about this subject.

My phone number is 858-204-7499, and each of you (from any perspective) is welcome to call me any time.

If you'd like me to call you, then please post your phone number and an appropriate time for me to call you on this forum. You can also email it to me at if you'd rather not post it.

For the record, I do not appreciate the name calling that I've seen on this topic, and it makes some of you look like little children. But I would like to better understand some of your objections, and you're welcome to call.

Thanks in advance,
Bob Kuczewski
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Re: Sara AKA redsagebear

Postby mary947 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:59 pm

This is mary my email bob is I would love to talk to you email wise. I dont think its wise to give out phone numbers being sarah is crazy enough to prank us or harass up when we go to town. I personly dont need sarah and katys garbage and harassment.
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