I've sent you an email message with my phone number.
Please reply by email with yours or give me a call directly.
I won't share your phone number with anyone.
bobmiles20 wrote:This message is to bobk
bobk wrote: FOR THE RECORD . . .
I have been checking the server logs and there is a good chance that all of these "people":mary947
are all just one single person with an obvious grudge against Sara and possibly Kayte. I have to give credit to Warren ("Free") for being the first to spot all of these as likely aliases for one single person. Good Job Free!!!
So Sara and Kayte, please ignore this one person with a grudge, and please carry on with your good work.
I support both of you even more after seeing what you're up against with these filthy posts.
Bob Kuczewski
bobk wrote:I think they should be retained to show the kind of people who are opposing Sara and the Lakeview Hawks.
Sometimes you can learn a lot about a person by looking at those who oppose them!!!
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