I have not been inclined to post often or much here on US Hawks , mostly due to my inactive "status" within the actual community & culture of Hang Gliding. I have been mostly relegated to being a virtual pilot by allowing others to upload their activity on the Internet then I take the easy way out & just "surf" the net.
Over the past 10 years I have attempted to contact the original organization that I helped establish ...what is now known as the United States Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association. My inquiry to the USHPA , focused on a desire to bring recognition to the handful of original members that made up the nexus core of the founding SCHGA. This was not a request for any "free-bees" or to avoid paying the annual "fee" of the current organization. I wanted this group of current sky pilots to acknowledge the importance of who indeed did a great deal of ground work in all sorts of areas in order for these young floaters to enjoy the freedom of the air.
To my disappointment, my endeavor fell on deaf ears in Colorado. I was told to just shut up & pay my yearly fee to obtain 12 months of membership. My heart felt plea to set aside a USHPA membership wide project to seek out these few remaining founding charter members was rejected by the treasurer of the USHPA sitting in a position of control. Since those repeated phone calls were ignored & rejected summarily I began seeking to find anyone in the hang gliding community who would take some interest in my idea.
*** Thus the title for the thread here LOST at P ... p for "paragliders"*****
"The Go To Guy" Joe Faust*
I did have a well established friendship with HG pioneer Joe Faust who for the past 42 plus years has deliberately continued to share knowledge of all kinds of lightweight flying machines. Back in 1971 Joe published Low & Slow magazine, as sort of a Benjamin Franklin of print, Joe established himself as "The Go-To Guy" of hang gliding. Editing his home spun monthly newsletter Low & Slow, Joe received daily sacks of mail from all over the world from interested Hang Glider enthusiasts. Faust now edits an on-line Internet magazine or "E-zine" titled LIFT offered through a more expansive network of information known as Energy kite Systems. LIFT showcasing many forms of hang gliding & other unique man-flight systems in a monthly blog format that is updated as readers & subscribers submit information to the editors of LIFT.
I contacted Joe about my concern that the over bloated self consumed executives at USHPA were missing a real gold mine of latent unexplored sources for their monthly club Hang Gliding and Paragliding Magazine. I told Joe the Bean Counters at USHPA
had no desire to find, interview & celebrate their few remaining founding charter members. Joe understands the importance of elevating those who have a great storehouse of memories about first hand details of the beginnings of the sport of HG.
Enter Bob Kuczewsk*
So Joe immediately put me in touch with Torry Hawks Hang Glider Club founder Bob "K" about 2 years ago. Then Bob was busy with a full array of projects including this web site US HAWKS. Bob gave me a welcome to express myself here in this forum and explain my feelings for the real history of the sport of modern hang gliding. It is my desire to focus attention on the exporation and the history of hang gliding as it happened in the Southern California area in the very early 1970's. When you study the list of original 100 or 150 or 200 first founding "charter" core members of the SCHGA, you see a remarkable core center of activity based in Southern California. This network of original HG people shared a dynamic amout of information long before i-pods, personal computers, email or cell phones. OH pardon me ...some $3,000.oo "Brick" cell phones existed.
It would be my dream to once again focus an intense research project on finding these SCHGA charter founding members. The source of information these people have about personal experiences regarding "all things hang glider" and giving them a chance to express their personal memories and share stories of what they actually saw first hand would lend a wonderful depth to our sport. It should concern those who fly almost without thinking about it now-a-days, but what is more a monthly USHPA club Hang Gliding and Paragliding Magazine editor should have the wisdom to set aside a regular feature column in his rag for the purpose of interviewing the remaining living charter members of the SCHGA (a.k.a. USHGA).
To paraphrase Wilbur Wright in his speach before the Smithsonian... For some years I have been afflicted with the belief that flight is possible to man. My disease has increased in severity and I feel that it will soon cost me an increased amount of money if not my life. I have been trying to arrange my affairs in such a way that I can devote my entire time for a few months to experiment in this field.
Well in my case I have become afflicted with the belief that the world community of hang gliding enthusiasts should set aside a purposeful project to gain the wisdom of those who gave their own lives to establish the modern sport of hang gliding as we know it!
I will attempt to form a list of these original members , "With or Without the Help" of the USHPA !
Then an investigation of where these few Early Birds are now is in proper order. At least a current listing of those who have gone on to a higher place will allow precious respect to them.
Thank You
Neil Larson
aka ...FromDayOne