BILL!!!I'm glad to see you back!! I was worried that this topic had either driven you away ... or driven you crazy!!
billcummings wrote:I may be a little slow here but how do we see the voting results at a glance without dropping down and comparing all of the choices?
You're not slow at all!!! The tool is still somewhat experimental and undocumented (just like this voting system). You can see the overall results when both of the choices are blank. If just one of the choices is blank, then it shows just the votes for the choice that's not blank (as compared to all others). That's not obvious and the tool could use a help feature!!
In this case, selecting both blanks shows that there were two candidates that were undefeated: Torrey and Lookout Mountain. But even though they were undefeated, they both had ties. If Lookout were to run against Torrey, they would tie. That's the only tie for Lookout, but Torrey also tied with "None of the Above" and "Historic Sites". So you could make a case that Lookout was the stronger candidate (with fewer ties). I think that would be a defensible result.
You could also declare it a tie because there was no winner that defeated all the others. In that case, we could end the topic and maybe start a new voting topic on a different subject (or even the same subject) having learned some valuable lessons here.
billcummings wrote:I can’t decide which way to go on the “0” vote.
As you pointed out there were enough votes to open up the nominations again to add a late nomination. (When we first selected “0” before our preferences.)
As it is set up so far it looks like we should add and revote with the late nomination included. (Keeping in mind everyone that this was just a test nomination/vote.)
Here is my dilemma. Although you and I put a “0” as our first choice to reopen the nomination for an addition we did it out of altruism.
You're exactly right on this one Bill. You and I did vote for 0 to reopen the nomination process out of altruism, and that threw a monkey wrench into the system. But the indeterminate result is probably telling us that this was probably an ill-conceived vote (my ill-conception, not yours). I really like the idea that this voting system exposed that there really is no clear choice that we all agree on. To me that says go back to the drawing board and start again.
billcummings wrote:The down side of this situation is that “Trojans” (People from a camp in opposition to the Hawks--) could become members just to disrupt the hawks voting process.
This will become a
BIG problem if we don't have a way to filter out the "Trojans". So we're going to have to figure out how to do that at some point. In fact, that just gave me an idea for a new voting topic. Maybe we should solicit nominations for ways to keep the Hawks from being "taken over" by people who aren't sincerely interested in a new national hang gliding association. We did have that same problem with the Torrey Hawks since we (hang glider pilots) are getting to be a minority at Torrey Pines. Our
Torrey Hawks bylaws allow anyone to join, but to be a voting member, you have to have flown a hang glider at Torrey Pines in the previous 3 years. Since Torrey is an H4 site, that pretty much ensured that only serious HG pilots would be voting members. The Fellow Feathers at Fort Funston have a similar requirement of flying 20 hours (I think) at Funston in the previous year. We might have to do something similar here as well - maybe some kind of logbook verification?
billcummings wrote:We didn’t get a strong site as a most favorite. Many were close ties.
was sort of an "acid test" for voting.
But I'm glad we did it because it shows what can happen when you have a lot of diverse opinions. We could always have a rule that we "flip a coin" when elections tie (whatever "tie" means), but I still like the idea that a tie just means that we haven't arrived at a strong solution yet.
billcummings wrote:Perhaps we should create a one-way street to a voting conclusion.
In other words get the nomination process right to the best of our abilities and then end the comment period and move to a final vote. (No reopening of the nomination process.)
I like this idea. In other words, the 0's don't count unless they actually win.
billcummings wrote:If it looks like we all voted to our own detriment we could do something like a 2/3 vote to overturn the mistake.
If it looks like we've voted to do something we don't want, we can always have someone start another vote. That's what would happen in a regular Board meeting. If someone didn't like the result, they could make a motion to vote again. If that motion passes, then we would vote again.
billcummings wrote:PS another minor problem I’m having on my laptop is the posted messages on the Hawks forum are showing me a faded letter “v” and letter “w.”
Am I the only one with this problem?
I haven't had that problem, but I have recently noticed that sometimes when I press "Submit", it doesn't come up with the confirmation screen ("This message has been edited successfully. View your submitted message or Return to the forum last visited"). Instead, it just goes back to the topic. In those cases, my post was NOT submitted, and I've had to use the "Back" button on my browser to go back to the previous page (where my updated post is still sitting) and resubmit it again. I've had to do that a few times now, but every time it ended up completing the submission ... eventually. I'm not sure why it's doing that, and I'd be curious if anyone else is having that problem as well.
With regard to this topic, just let me know what you'd like to do. Your wish is my command.
Mostly, thanks for all the time and effort that you've given this, and I'm glad to see you back!!!