More notes regarding the wonderful day at Dockweiler:
== Filled LZ divots made by beach users and lifeguard trucks.
== Found dried forms in the plants of the HG slope; the forms were translucent, tri-part, and were feather light; they were tossed into the wind to indicate wind direction. The thin plastic-like dried form were from a special species of jellyfish:
HERE PHOTO BEFORE THE DRIED FORM. Here is a wiki on the species: Flew toss ring
== Flew three types of unmanned kites at appropriate spots outside of any interference with the HG zones: power 3m, barrel roller, and finned Eddy mod.
== Took many video of BobK, some of pelicans, and a short of Russell Smith ....using BobK's camera.
== Must get a camera again ..
== The day was better than the gym for my health and fitness.
== Discussed my dream of buddy push while other pulls the xbeam haul-back.
== Discussed the control-frame downtube inner sleeve rivet place-set on
Falcon 3 195. Essentially the inner hidden sleeve forms a tapered beam while appearing as a constant-cross-section beam.
== Discussed the smaller-diameter tubing in Heiney's
Dream 205== Played a part is packing Alpha 210, Condor 330, Falcon 3. Good practice, lessons learned; listened to various challenges.
== Discussed with Bob B. some assets of having a national org that is fully focused on airframed hang gliders.
== Discussed with Bob B. some aspects of the 2 m to 5 ft packed HG design movement. He offered with sparkling eyes about being able to simply put the pack inside a passenger car. He expressed the desire that solutions be low on assembly and pack times.
== Discussed the possibility of a HG hospitality room ... to save traffic-snarl times to effect some Dockweiler gatherings.
== Noticed needs: more drinking water, lunch pack with ice, wind speed metering and visibility for both pilots and spectators (enhance the spectator experience). At one instant there were 27 cyclists stopped to see an Alpha 210 flight ( after flight the mini-crowd cycled on and dispersed).
== Several persons were struggling to get information and that-day flight lessons. Greg seemed fully booked.
== Three Otto Lilienthal books were distributed to persons showing keen interest in HG. "from Friends of Dockweiler Gliding".
== Of all flights by anyone that day, BobK seemed to be the one with the longest distanced flight; he came within a short distance from the wet sand. His Falcon 3 195.
== Noticed the many flowering plants that live on the HG slope. It would be neat to get to know the species better.
== Most-smooth flight seemed to me to by Russell Smith in his new harness.
== Most-ebullient spirited hang glider pilot seemed to be Derek Davis; yet he admitted running out of energy!
== I noticed enough sand-moisture pitting on some HG xbeams to remind me to consider surface protectants for HG parts, especially in the sea-sand environment.
== More running training on sand is needed. ; )

== Of a former note in this topic thread, I intended mentioning that Chris Bolfing had a 30-min flight at Torrey last week (or so) with the Antares he received from me (and I from Dan Fitzgerald); it took some puzzling to get the Antares bowsprit assembled; John Heiney and Chris figured it all out. Historical wing with root influence into the Eipper space from my Koman-Faust Dial Ship bowsprit-spreaderless 1973 initiative.