Grace, Cyndia, Greg, Wade, JoeF, BobK, several students, and many people stopping to talk ...
Four hang gliders were in service during the day. We changed a too-short keel batten with a longer keel batten on the FDGS's Windsports Condor.
The 3 mph :: This gave haul back experiences that gave muscles a good workout.
When wind reached 8 mph :: Wow! finally some kiting in the haul backs!

Best wind for about 15 minutes: maybe 10 to 12 mph. Variable sucker wind mostly.
For a few flights: some minor ridge soaring occurred by BobK and JoeF, with Bob's full ridge traversed. JoeF's was a slight turn and very short leg of ridge lift and then out to the flats. Bob had about three more flights than Joe's 20 flights. Each flight had its interesting aspects ... no two flights were identical. Tuesday right now: thighs still sore with lactic acid. About a solid five hours of hang glider activity. Good talks. Cyndia has strong legs ... excellent flight and excellent hauling back!
Five of us feasted at El Segundo restaurant afterwards. We heard some interesting details of Greg's towing history. And found out that Erika owns a Condor. And she is coming back to town; it seems like Dockweiler will see her again.
Much thanks

to US Hawks' BobK for ride home; home by 9:30 p.m. BobK made it back to San Diego much later. FULL day