New info about the 45th anniversary meet!

Honoring the rich history and bright future of gliding at Dockweiler Beach

New info about the 45th anniversary meet!

Postby Frank Colver » Tue May 17, 2016 11:59 am

Here is the latest on the anniversary meet this coming Sunday:

Some new news: There will not be $5 site use fee for flying because the US Hawks and the Friends of Dockweiler Gliding Society are together covering the $600 cost of using the Windsports flight school facilities and the site for the day. Because of this, there will be free Windsports instruction for anyone who has guests who have not flown a hang glider before or any old time HG pilots who feel rusty and would like some assistance getting back into the air. This is how I got reintroduced to hang gliding at last year’s 44th anniversary meet and now I’m out there flying my own Wills Wing Alpha 210.

We will also have one of Windsport’s WW Condors set up for general flying throughout the day. There will be “loaner” harnesses and helmets available for pilots.

Because of this shared expense we will have a donation box in the Windsports office (where flyers also need to sign in). All donated financial help to reduce our cost will be greatly appreciated. :clap:

Each vehicle will still be required to pay the county beach parking fee.

I'm also pleased to report that the list of HG old timers attending is growing every day. Newer pilots: come out to "meet and greet" the ones who pioneered the sport you love :!:

Frank Colver
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Re: New info about the 45th anniversary meet!

Postby Frank Colver » Fri May 20, 2016 7:49 pm

Latest news about attendees: Tom Price will be arriving with Dave Cronk.

I heard that Chris Price will be driving a long haul truck somewhere in the US and can't attend. Hmmm......could he get lost and end up at Dockweiler?

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Re: New info about the 45th anniversary meet!

Postby Frank Colver » Sun May 22, 2016 7:15 am


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OTTO :!: :!: :!: :clap:

Frank Colver
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Re: New info about the 45th anniversary meet!

Postby Frank Colver » Mon May 23, 2016 10:25 am

We had a fantastic turnout for the 45th anniversary meet at Dockweiler yesterday :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Many faces from hang gliding's history were there to share stories, make flights in their own vintage gliders, or take flights in the FDGS / Windsports Condor. I had my best flight yet, since I re-entered hang gliding one year ago (helped by a very favorable sea breeze). We will have to do a post event accounting of the names in attendance.

The wind was great all day. A little lighter in the morning for those new to hang gliding or for old timers who had not flown for a while. Then in the afternoon the wind became perfect for those qualified to soar the 25' ridge and many good soaring flights were made by a number of different pilots (every time i wanted to speak with BobK I would look for him and he always seemed to be up in the sky).

Many photos and videos were taken so look for future posting of those from various sources. :clap:

The only injury, that I'm aware of, happened to Taras when he stalled an Icarus II and nosed down into the hillside. He appeared to have a sprained ankle (ouch :!: ) and we wish him a speedy recovery.

BTW - At last year's 44th anniversary meet I wanted to be able to claim the oldest to fly at the event but was beat out by 90 year old Bob Chase. I didn't see Bob there this year so I hereby lay claim to be the oldest (at 81 years) to fly at the 45 anniversary Dockweiler meet.

Keep an eye on the forum for more "45th at Dockweiler" news.

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A Short Photo Album from the Event

Postby NMERider » Mon May 23, 2016 10:48 am

Thank you to everyone who made this fun and interesting event happen. :clap: :clap: I posted a few choice photos on Facebook that anyone can see. :thumbup:
Just use this link: ... 2b66bd4362 :ugeek:
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