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Robin's Bike Ride

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Robin's Bike Ride

Postby RobinHastings » Tue May 31, 2016 6:51 am

Hi, folks! I'll be out of flying for about the next two months, as I'm planning to pedal a bicycle from Los Angeles across the country as far as I can. (I did it 40 years ago, in 1976. It's time to take a second look.) It occurred to me last night that this may be the best way to put out any insights about what I'm doing in a forum that anyone can access. I'll be heading out today, Tuesday May 31, for Los Angeles, driving out and parking the car there before I begin the ride. Keep in touch, and I hope that all who read this have a fine and soarable summer. Fly (and live!) safely.
-Robin Hastings
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby RobinHastings » Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:45 am

Day one of this obsession, May 31, I drove to Tucson and stayed overnight at the retirement home of our friend Barbara Murch - everyone's favorite mom. The day was not without its incidents, though; in order to get the front wheel off from the bike, I took apart the quick release axle, and then left the quick release in the driveway. Nancy drove 50 miles out to Deming, trying to chase me down and hand it back, but to no avail. Ah, well, that's what FedEx thrives on. At least the item's not too big. That's a heck of a nice wife I have... I stopped in at Gym World Central in Tucson, where one of my long-ago gymnasts told me that he took 5th in the nation - guess we did some good work, sometime in the misty past. (Keighley went off to Archaeology Field School long before I departed, where she cleared brush and the professor had to remove a rattlesnake. That's science, all right.) All right, on to Los Angeles now!
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby RobinHastings » Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:37 pm

OK, I made it to LA. My brother had his ankle fused today (on crutches now) and I get to sleep in a bed for a few more nights. Temperature is nice out here, compared to Phoenix where it hits 115 degrees tomorrow. I'll be in touch...
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby RobinHastings » Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:07 pm

Friday June 3, 2016: Well, it was hot out here in LA today. I helped my high school coach to build a shed today, so I have first hand knowledge of the temperatures! We got it done, though - he's 82, I'm 62, but that didn't stop us. My niece and her daughter arrived late last night, and I had some good times visiting with them - little Madison is at an age (7) when she still wants to please everyone, and delights in the events of the day. Unjaded, yes. Tomorrow I'll do some visiting, enjoy a reunion party in the evening, and hopefully get my gear together for pedaling on Sunday - without forgetting anything. I'd sure like to see that axle part show up in the mail...
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby RobinHastings » Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:20 pm

Saturday, June 4: The axle part made it! I should be pedaling tomorrow morning. Let's see how far I get... Maybe Ventura? Or Carpinteria? I'll post when I can!
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:15 am

WOW Robin!!!

That's super!!!!!!!

I've been on travel all last week and I missed your topic. It would have been good to see you off on your adventure.

When I was 18 I bicycled from Baltimore to Niagra Falls and back. It was a great adventure!

Have fun and be safe. I look forward to following your posts!!!!
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby Bill Cummings » Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:51 pm

I received a call from Robin this afternoon. He was out of range of the internet but says he did 50 miles today and from what I can gather he is aware that he has two heavy legs. He is south of Santa Barbra, CA at Carpenteria CA. (The home of Seedwing.)
About 59 degrees near the Pacific Ocean. Good thing he isn't here in Las Cruces because a big gust front just flexed the north side of my house. So Robin when you get internet and can read this advice -- stay clear of people and you shouldn't have any problems. If you have a problem try to get some help from people.
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby Nate » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:10 am

Robin -

You're a constant inspiration.

I wish you safe travels, wind at your back, and many nice sunsets. Sometimes the journey is the goal - I hope you enjoy it.

A wise man once told me it is not hard to find a place to sleep, but finding a shower is another story. If you should be crazy enough to pedal across Texas, you're welcome at my place anytime.

Take care,

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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby RobinHastings » Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:03 pm

Thanks, Nate. Your wise man echoes my knowledge exactly - I've slept in two more-or-less hidden locations the last two nights, but that sure precludes getting a shower. Supper the past two nights was a bagel and sardines. Today I am in Santa Maria, California, where my USC teammate Don Jackson lives. I plan to stay at his house tonight (and get a shower!) before resuming the ride tomorrow. Most everything below my waist is sore, but that's what happens when you suddenly resume something you THOUGHT you were well conditioned for (and weren't). Well, this is "conditioning week", and I should feel better in a few more days. Weather's been pretty nice, except for headwinds; certainly a lot cooler than Las Cruces, according to Nancy back home. I've been making about 50 miles a day, on average. The scenery has been lovely, and though California is way overpopulated (ask any Californian!) it's still mostly uninhabited - it just gets really concentrated into the cities and the suburbs. I'll pass on more insights like that whenever I get the chance - and thank you, Bill, for filling in on the days when I don't. Fly safe, everyone!
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Re: Robin's Bike Ride

Postby had » Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:36 pm

Robin! Don't get hit by a car! Be careful! We look forward to seeing back home. Enjoy. - Had
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