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Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby RobinHastings » Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:07 am

Very nice work, Bill! It was a great day for flying - and, it appears, for landing. That site may be small, but in a northerly wind, it works!
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby Bill Cummings » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:00 pm

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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby RobinHastings » Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:30 am

March 29th was a turbulent day at Volcanic Peak. The forecasts looked good - winds of 10-15 mph, coming from the north and northeast. We had cumulus and blue skies. But when we got up to the launch, we certainly had winds - lots more than 15 mph. At least the direction was steady, coming right up the northeast launch. Bill and I were all set up by 1:15, but then we had to wait until the 35 mph gusts settled down. When they did - they really did. I launched in a 15 mph cycle, and it just wasn't enough to keep me aloft in my Wills Wing U2. Bill drove down as soon as I landed; I tied the glider to a bush and we were back up at launch ramp with his Sport 2 in half an hour. Unfortunately Bill hit the same kind of situation I had. He had good lift, as soon as he launched, and briefly got up above the highest point on the Peak. Then the lift just went somewhere else. I was hoping to get some pictures as he soared overhead; instead I caught a shot of him almost in the landing zone, 300 feet below me. He had a nice landing, at least, a big improvement over mine. I drove back down, we packed up the gliders, and headed on home to Las Cruces. Despite the brevity of the flights, we were pretty happy with the day's events - we safely got our feet off the ground, and safely down again. Better flights next time, perhaps, when the winds blow from the north again.
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby Bob Kuczewski » Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:02 am

RobinHastings wrote:Despite the brevity of the flights, we were pretty happy with the day's events - we safely got our feet off the ground, and safely down again.

:clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:

That's the most inportant part of any flying day!!!      :thumbup:
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby Bill Cummings » Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:26 am

Hey Bob,
We did a windy set up (Gusting to 35) and planned to wait for the forecast to come true which happened all too abruptly.
We set up downwind of the building at the base of the cell tower.
Since Robin was up first I had to tie my glider's nose to the chain link fence and the tail to the power pole. I had to chase to
the LZ where I picked up Robin to assist me at launch. Robin then tied his glider to a bush below his hang strap. I hate leaving
any glider unattended like that at either the launch or the LZ. Wind and cows cannot be trusted. People can't be trusted any
farther than you can throw them and cows are hard to even tip over let alone throw them.
Pix by Robin Hastings at Vol. Pk. 3 29 2017.JPG
Pix by Robin Hastings at Vol. Pk. 3 29 2017.JPG (103.53 KiB) Viewed 8703 times

Racing for the LZ in a blur.JPG
Racing for the LZ in a blur.JPG (37.23 KiB) Viewed 8703 times

Above is Bill trying to milk it to the open grassy area tempered with trying to keep up airspeed for turbulence.
Two seperate goals that tend to run in opposition to each other. :?
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby RobinHastings » Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:58 pm

Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017:
We continue to to learn about this new RGSA site. Northeast winds are pretty rare out here, so Bill Cummings and I went out this day to take advantage of them. We started out from his house at 7:00 am and reached the site about 8:30. (We got bogged down in mud on the way, a legacy of Thursday night's powerful thunderstorms.) Temperatures were about 65 degrees, and the sky was cloudless, clear blue. I used the Formula 144 today, and launched it with Bill's help at 10:15. The winds were about 15 mph from the northeast (and 7 mph at the Las Cruces Airport). I rose up 20 feet as I left the launch by the tower. Bill coached me as I flew, trying to get me close enough to the hill to actually use the site's weak ridge lift. Alas, I was a poor student, and after 4 passes I had to head out for the landing zone. I didn't quite reach it, but I did clear the bushes area, and had a rough but OK landing, followed by a 100-yard walk to the flag. Duration was about 5 minutes, but it was such lovely weather today that I didn't mind. Better luck next time!
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby Bill Cummings » Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:44 pm

RobinHastings wrote:Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017:
We continue to to learn about this new RGSA site. Northeast winds are pretty rare out here, so Bill Cummings and I went out this day to take advantage of them. We started out from his house at 7:00 am and reached the site about 8:30. (We got bogged down in mud on the way, a legacy of Thursday night's powerful thunderstorms.) Temperatures were about 65 degrees, and the sky was cloudless, clear blue. I used the Formula 144 today, and launched it with Bill's help at 10:15. The winds were about 15 mph from the northeast (and 7 mph at the Las Cruces Airport). I rose up 20 feet as I left the launch by the tower. Bill coached me as I flew, trying to get me close enough to the hill to actually use the site's weak ridge lift. Alas, I was a poor student, and after 4 passes I had to head out for the landing zone. I didn't quite reach it, but I did clear the bushes area, and had a rough but OK landing, followed by a 100-yard walk to the flag. Duration was about 5 minutes, but it was such lovely weather today that I didn't mind. Better luck next time!

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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby Bill Cummings » Sun Nov 19, 2017 9:27 am

Buzz Nelson with the help of Sebastien N. and driver Bill C. takes the first PG flight known from Volcanic Peak New Mexico (USA).
It's a narrow launch even for hang gliding so for PG it's like doing a reverse half twisting dismount from a balance beam. (But nothing that Buzz couldn't handle.) By the time the wind diminished enough to inflate the wind had also crossed more than 45º to the ridge line.
But still a first PG flight from this site. A sledder of three minutes duration. Buzz left the bar low for others to take the duration record. GO FOR IT! :wave: :thumbup:
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby RobinHastings » Sun Nov 19, 2017 7:54 pm

Nice footage, Bill. I got a good idea of the day's events from it. I'm sorry that Sebastian didn't get to try out the site - I hope he flew somewhere today! Thanks so much for taking care of our fellow pilots. Hey, it looks like a good forecast for Volcanic Peak on Tuesday - let's get YOU in the air, this time!
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Re: Volcanic Peak, 376' agl, Face 025º, 0.2mi Long

Postby Bill Cummings » Mon Nov 20, 2017 10:03 pm

RobinHastings wrote:Nice footage, Bill. I got a good idea of the day's events from it. I'm sorry that Sebastian didn't get to try out the site - I hope he flew somewhere today! Thanks so much for taking care of our fellow pilots. Hey, it looks like a good forecast for Volcanic Peak on Tuesday - let's get YOU in the air, this time!

Yes! Let's get ME in the air, this time!
I'm planning to use an old gymnastics trick that Robin told me about and I've set aside an empty small container.
In this container I've put a small amount of honey and I plan on rubbing it on both hands before picking up the pre-flighted
hang glider.
At age 68 and after a day of hang gliding, squeezing those slippery downtubes, does a job on my knuckles for several weeks.
Another thing I'm going to try is sticking on 18" battens between the last two tip battens on each wing.
(Wills Wing Hang Gliders! We'll do the flapping so that you don't have to!) -- Old T shirt idea I have.
In all fairness to Wills Wing my glider is a 2004.
I'm using industrial adhesive Velcro to hold Lowes Hardware aluminum that is 1/16" thick by 1/2" by 18" long.
Each time I fold up the glider I'll have to pull apart the battens held on with the Velcro.
If I remember I'll take some video or pictures of the add on battens.
Robin and I will be leaving my house for Volcanic Peak tomorrow, Tuesday 21, 2017.
The forecast looks good at 9 mph into the face of the hill.
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Bill Cummings
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