What was Tip O'neil's hang rating, again?
Seriously, though, I am so encouraged to see this happening!
To see hang glider pilots waking up and realizing exactly what has gone wrong and now taking genuine steps to fix it.
My hat is off to Darin and ASC!
This is going to spread like wildfire.
I foresee the new hang gliding paradigm as many separate clubs and commercial interests across the United States engaging in friendly competition between each other for new hang glider pilots, training programs - and expanding their flying sites by taking advantage of their state's recreational liability laws.
This competition between hang glider pilots for greater excellence in their sport will contrast starkly against the previous monopoly that has harmed hang gliding.
Those who recognize the superior experience hang gliding offers are tired of watching friends and acquaintences needlessly injured or sometimes killed by soaring parachutes, and they understand how paragliding has sucked the life out of the hang gliding side of the hybrid national organization.
They now realize that allowing parachutists to determine policy in a hang gliding organization was a big mistake.
But the fix is easy. It does not involve starting over from scratch.
The FAA and the state's recreational liability laws now provide the foundation for the resurgence of hang gliding.
Each club that abandons the USHPA to parachuting has a voice in this rebirth.
These clubs should invite neighboring clubs to their meetings to throw around ideas.
After a while, they might want to hold something like a constitutional convention.