From John Wright to Dennis D.:
I have some advice:
- don't make trouble for yourself on his behalf
- don't think that some day you won't be on the receiving end
I read this as veiled threat doublespeak from chairman knumbnuts.
Dennis, you are doing a brave thing taking a stand against this power play.
John was telling you that you are now in the cross hairs of the gang mentality distortions that Bob and Scott and soon to be you are under. I left myself out because there is little they can say about me that hasn't already been said, lied and distorted about me... but that is another topic.
You know you are right so don't let them wear you down. You ask why others aren't standing with you.
It may be because they are afraid of being "on the recieving end."
I'm standing with you and Bob, here, because I'm already kicked out of Jack's little sandbox... um err.. I mean BUNNY BOY's SANDBOX!
Others can do the same if they are bold enough to take that stand and risk the rath of SGAA statism.
Is that little sandbox worth our own dignity and integrity?
The sandbox can be replaced easily enough. Not so much with the other..
Change only occurs when the cost of doing nothing exceeds the cost of doing something. (someone elses? quote)