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Long Ridge

Rio Grande Soaring Association Forum

Long Ridge

Postby Nate » Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:44 am

I should have asked about this site last week in person. I noticed it was removed from the list of sites a few years back. I assume because it isn't flown due to Dry having favor and possibly a shorter drive up as well in addition to Forest Rd 93 having restricted access. Plus, unless there was lift, a sled ride would mean an unofficial bailout LZ and breaking down in dust instead of the green of Cox LZ.

I mention it for 2 reasons.

1. The drive to Long Ridge is about an hour - I've made it in a 2wd VW. Much longer than the Dry drive in distance but not much longer in terms of time.
2. Flying over the cliffs south of Alamorgordo is a very nice view. I can see the want to make that flight without having to bench out forward.

Just wanting to learn more about it as it used to be listed on the RGSA site along with the Floridas. I know forest road conditions change, etc over the years. The Guads are a good example. Almost every site guide says high clearance needed and to bring multiple spare tires. The road condition has changed and the last few times I've made the trip, VW's and Honda Civics had no problems.

How was the site back when it was flown? Was it launched N, S, or from the spine to the west?

Just thinking out loud..... Flying RGSA just leaves me wondering when I can fly out there again....
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Re: Long Ridge

Postby RobinHastings » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:48 pm

Hi, Nate. Long Ridge was a spectacular place when it was on, marginal when it was not. We haven't flown it since the 80's. I was up there hunting about 3 years ago, and the site was completely overgrown. There's a locked gate on the road to the site, to protect all the antennas out there. It could be launched north or south. The north launch took a good wind because it shelfed out about 100 feet at a shallow angle, before it dropped abruptly. South was steeper. It was a 10:1 glide to an accessible LZ. When it was on, at the fly-in one year, folks were going up to 14,000 feet MSL. (I TOLD Andy Frank to put on some gloves. Would he listen? No. So he cut the flight short when his hands began to freeze.) To fly it now would require getting permission to do so, a fairly long drive up West Side Road and then out along the bad road to the launch, and then a LOT of brush and tree clearing. And a good idea of where to land, if you launch it - there's still no good bailout LZ anywhere close. I will say that the view is outstanding - and you could set up about 50 gliders at once if you wanted to.
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Re: Long Ridge

Postby Nate » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:53 pm

Robin -

Thanks for the background info. It seems like a good site and I did notice LZ possibilities when passing Long Ridge but in fairness, I passed over it pretty high. There are some newer openings and cleared areas.

A non-4x4 alternative is always good to have but it seems there aren't enough pilots to fly the existing sites, much less go bringing old ones back to life.

I'd love to do it but my next trip to RGSA land will likely be the Memorial Day Fly-In when I'll be launching from Dry. Already looking forward to it!! Hoping wx will make a marathon flight :thumbup: :thumbup:
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